“He turned to his military secretary”: announcement of daily breaks in Gaza “unacceptable” for Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly criticized the daily pauses in the fighting in Gaza announced in the morning by the army, the Reuters news agency reported on Sunday.

These breakstactics“, observed from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the south of the Gaza Strip, are intended to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian enclave which has been besieged since October and where famine threatens.

When the Prime Minister heard the news, he turned to his military secretary and indicated that this decision was unacceptable to him“, reported an Israeli official.

For his part, the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir, leading figure of the far-right Jewish Force party, hastened to demand the resignation of the soldier at the origin of this decision, calling him “mad“.

The daily breaks concern one of the main roads that connects Kerem Shalom, Israel, to the south of the Gaza Strip and continues north. The army has clearly specified that the “normal operations” would continue in Rafah, the main point of support of the army in the south of the Gaza Strip.

The announcement of these “tactical breaks” comes at a time when, on the diplomatic front, hopes of a ceasefire seem to be fading due to the contradictory demands of Israel and Hamas, which leave little chance of seeing the plan announced at the end of May come to fruition. by Joe Biden.

Famine threatens in the Gaza Strip, where more than 8,000 children under the age of five have been treated for acute malnutrition, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

As early as October 15, the Israeli army called on the population of the north of the territory, where the bombings were the most intense, to evacuate to the south. Since then, 75% of the approximately 2.4 million inhabitants have been displaced by the war.

Benjamin Netanyahu Israel Gaza



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