the MRI places a large part of the country on alert!

People allergic to grass (there are more and more of them…) will tell you: times are tough! A few days ago, Sciensano, which evaluates pollen concentrations in real time, indicated that the grass season had started. “The critical threshold of 50 grains/m³ of air, beyond which most allergy sufferers are at risk of presenting symptoms, has been exceeded,” specified the institute. Stressing that “the level of risk will still remain high in the days to come”.


They didn’t mean to say it so well! In recent days, people allergic to grass have indeed been going through hell. And unfortunately it’s not over. We even thought that Thursday would be the worst day of the week. But no.

According to the IRM forecasts, it is even this Monday that grasses will be most widespread in the air. This Sunday, almost the entire country was already affected by a “high” level of grass. But on Monday, the level will even rise to “very high”.

Regardless, the MRI predicts very high concentrations of pollen in the air. “Most people allergic to this pollen are likely to develop symptoms. It is strongly recommended to avoid any activity outside,” specifies the IRM, which has therefore placed almost the entire country in “purple”, i.e. the “very high” level, the highest possible…

Fortunately, the situation will improve from Tuesday. Little by little, the country will return to “high”, “moderate” or even “low” risk.

While waiting for better days, sensitive people will present the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, with a runny nose, red, itchy and possibly swollen eyes. “We have a feeling of nasal congestion. You can also feel your throat scratching, with a wet cough, a diffuse tickle throughout the ENT area… Some people will also complain of ear pain. These are symptoms similar to those of a cold. On the other hand, in the event of muscle pain, fever, or a “dirty” runny nose, you should contact your doctor because there is a risk of secondary infection,” noted Dr. Maud Akset, pneumo-allergist at the Liège Citadel Hospital

Generally, antihistamine treatment helps soothe the symptoms.

Here are some tips if you suffer from allergies: prioritize ventilation of bedrooms and living areas early in the morning, avoid drying your laundry outside so that it does not become covered in pollen, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes a little from particles, and if you are very sensitive, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes a little from particles, and if you are very sensitive, avoid outdoor sports which will cause you to inhale more pollen.



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