Kate Middleton and Prince William: an expert analyzes the nature of their relationship, supporting photos

Kate Middleton and Prince William: an expert analyzes the nature of their relationship, supporting photos
Kate Middleton and Prince William: an expert analyzes the nature of their relationship, supporting photos

For her first public appearance since the announcement of her cancer last March, Kate Middleton was accompanied by her children George, Louis and Charlotte but also by her husband Prince William at the Trooping the Color day in honor of King Charles III . Experts have analyzed the body language formed by the Prince and Princess of Wales while on the balcony. According to Judi James, communications specialist taken up by the DailyMailthe moment shared between Kate Middleton and her husband gave a touching glimpse of their joy at being united again on the world stage.

She declared to MailOnline : “The touching moment was when William and Kate’s eyes finally met. William’s narrowed eyes and the puckered muscles around his lips showed his inner pride and possible relief to see his beautiful wife standing by his side againwhile Kate, who had visibly relaxed at this point, returned a wide, very affectionate smile“.

She added: “Kate’s body language on her first step into public life was a masterclass in what royalty is all about. She had already received the Queen’s model of stoicism and calm, without the slightest trace of self-pity or drama. Kate’s approach to the public appears to be similar to the one she had to take with her own children: one of confident determination, reassurance and even support. In case anyone doubted it, this appearance showed that she is the rightful heir to the title of Queen“.

Kate Middleton ‘blown away’

As a reminder, the presence of the Princess of Wales was called into question after she missed the last rehearsal of Trooping the Color last weekend. But the day before the event, she confirmed her presence via the royal couple’s Instagram account.

She also revealed that she was doing “good progress“with her treatment while admitting that she had”good days and bad days“and that, although she worked from home, she was not”not out of business yet“. The public support deeply touched the princess, who said she had been “blown away“by”kind messages” who did “all the difference“for her and William and who helped them to”get through the hardest times“.



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