Going into debt to perform the Eid ritual, Laarbi Moudden closes the debate

Going into debt to perform the Eid ritual, Laarbi Moudden closes the debate
Going into debt to perform the Eid ritual, Laarbi Moudden closes the debate

Faced with the debates on the modalities of the accomplishment of Eid, the president of the local Council of Ulemas of Rabat, Laarbi Mouddendefinitively closed the debates by recalling that the objectives of Sharia constitute the basis for the performance of all religious rituals, including the ritual of Eid Al-Adhasince it is a Sunnah mandatory associated with the ability to do so. Moreover, the Eid sacrifice is an aspect of worship and closeness to Allah Almighty, and its rule is that it is a Sunnah obligatory for those who can afford it, that is, those who can buy it with their own money, without restricting themselves, their families and their children in any way.

Laarbi Moudden, president of the Local Council of Ulemas of Rabat, stressed that the celebration of Eid Al-Adha each year by the Muslim world, on the tenth day of Dhual-Hijjah, is an opportunity to recall the objectives of Sharia to from the observation of this ritual, which he described as being devotion to God, the revivification of the Sunnah of the Prophet, the linking of the religiosity of Moroccans to the heritage of the history of Abraham and his son Ismail, peace be upon them, and learning lessons and learnings from them, including morals, ethics and the bonds of friendship and respect that should be built on relationships within the Moroccan family, said the president of the local Council of Ulemas of Rabat, Laarbi Moudden.

He stressed that Eid Al-Adha is an opportunity to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood, consolidate the values ​​of solidarity in society and bring joy to people, noting that “the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him ) ordered us to divide this sacrifice into three parts: one third for consumption, one third for saving and one third for charity,” he said, emphasizing that the performance of this ritual has effects positive on value, social and economic levels.

The president of the local Council of Ulemas of Rabat concluded that this ritual has important contractual, spiritual, social and economic dimensions, and that “in the process of adapting to changes in society, the dimension of preserving these purposes in their authentic Moroccan form should be remembered.”



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