A Vaudois fined because his record was too old

A Vaudois fined because his record was too old
A Vaudois fined because his record was too old

In Corseaux, a Vaudois was fined for a rather unexpected reason and one that he had not seen coming: his parking disc was too old. Result, a plum of 40 francs.

The man discovered the fine on April 12 on the windshield of his minibus parked on the banks of Lake Geneva, in Corseaux. His “disc” was however in place and the hours had been respected, reports “24 Heures”. “Record no longer valid for more than twenty years,” he reads.

This Vaudois actually uses an old “vintage” metal model, out of nostalgia. But emphasizes that he has been using it for five years and has never had any problems or warnings. He challenged the fine, but was unsuccessful.

The authorities have not been conciliatory, but they have the law on their side. And for a very long time, in fact. “Considering that these parking discs have no longer complied since 2003 and that preventive actions were carried out until 2006, we can in any case estimate that this motorist should have been informed,” explains the Vaud daily Dounya Schürmann -Kabouya, communications manager for the Riviera Security Association.

The terms of a compliant disc are detailed in an annex to the ordinance on road signs, supporting image. For those who have any doubts, here is what it says: “Parking disc, at least 11 cm wide and 15 cm high Front: blue background; graphic character, arrow and frame of the “P” in white color; numbers, hours and half-hour markings in black or blue on a white background.



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