Philippe calls for widening the majority (towards the PS and LR) to beat the RN, “favorite” of the ballot

Philippe calls for widening the majority (towards the PS and LR) to beat the RN, “favorite” of the ballot
Philippe calls for widening the majority (towards the PS and LR) to beat the RN, “favorite” of the ballot
JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP Philippe calls for expanding the majority (towards the PS and LR) to beat the RN, “favorite”


Philippe calls for expanding the majority (towards the PS and LR) to beat the RN, “favorite”

POLITICS – The call of the sea. Édouard Philippe spoke for the first time since the dissolution of the National Assembly this Tuesday, June 11 in the morning, on RTL. The opportunity for him to deliver his lessons and his strategy for the early legislative elections called by the President of the Republic.

For the very first head of government of Emmanuel Macron, we must try to expand the “central bloc” to defeat the National Rally, “ favorite » of the ballot after his triumph in the European elections. “ No party is able, alone, to respond to the aspirations of the French. We must be open and work with others with whom we do not agree on everything”explained the mayor of Le Havre, one of the two allies of the Head of State (with the MoDem), as you can see below:

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The political leaders targeted? The deputies of the Socialist Party, the Republicans and all those who want to get involved around a corpus summarized by the maxim dear to Édouard Philippe: “Order in the accounts, order in the streets. »

“Order in the accounts, order in the streets, order in our heads”

Let’s build something together, our country can’t wait, give up », further urged the president of Horizons, listing some areas on which to aggregate broader support for Emmanuel Macron: “ Education, order in the accounts, order in the streets, order in our heads. »

The former Prime Minister, received at the Élysée Monday evening by the President of the Republic, further estimated that “ giving the French a voice again is never a bad idea in itself. » He does not, however, plan to be a candidate himself, according to his response this Tuesday on RTL. “ I am mayor of Le Havre, I freed up my diary to support the Horizons candidates “, he simply argued, estimating that, in such a period, “ you should not knit. »

This is not the first time that Édouard Philippe, whose ambitions are being refined for 2027, has called for reaching out to other political groups. From the advent of the relative majority in 2022, he called for an agreement with the Republicans. A coalition which has never been possible, and which does not seem to be possible today.

The president of the party Éric Ciotti has already explained that he would never make a pact with Emmanuel Macron, early legislative elections or not. Some in his camp seem more inclined to discuss with the National Rally of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella.

Also see on HuffPost:

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