In Waremme, “people voted like idiots, without reading the program”

In the former stronghold of Edmond Leburton and Guy Coëme, the MR beat the PS. An earthquake with multiple causes: communication, the “work” value, the PTB… This makes some people cringe and others smile.

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Pascal Lorent

Journalist at the Economy department

By Pascal Lorent

Published on 06/10/2024 at 7:43 p.m.
Reading time: 1 min

JI fell on my butt. » Kevin (26 years old) is candid when he talks about his surprise upon discovering this Sunday’s electoral results. Like this versatile worker currently unemployed and without compensation, Waremme remains stunned by the verdict of the ballot: in this red stronghold (50% in the 2018 municipal elections) in the province of Liège, birthplace of Edmond Leburton and Guy Coëme, the PS fell by 5.23% in the Chamber and 5% in the Region, despite the presence on the list of a former minister (Christophe Lacroix) and an outgoing minister (Christophe Collignon). After the radiant weekend and the election fever, it’s the Scottish shower in Hesbaye.

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