High tensions after the European elections: clashes between demonstrators and the police in Toulouse

the essential
Clashes took place this Monday evening, between the Saint-Cyprien and Patte d’Oie districts, in Toulouse. Demonstrators gathered to protest against the victory of the National Rally in the European elections.

In reaction to the results of the European elections, “anti-fascist” demonstrators gathered this Monday evening at 8 p.m., in the Jean-Jaurès sector. The movement, initiated to block the path of the National Rally before the legislative elections, initially took place calmly. But, two hours later, in the Patte d’Oie district of Toulouse, the situation suddenly degenerated. Street furniture was notably defaced and tagged.

There are many demonstrators

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The intervention of the national police was strongly contested by activists. Police officers were reportedly targeted by projectiles. In response, the police reportedly fired tear gas. “The atmosphere is difficult to breathe,” confides a local resident.

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Barricades are formed in Saint-Cyprien. Some participants, very agitated, set fire to the trash cans. “ACAB” slogans are chanted and written on the walls. For the moment, no arrests have taken place, but the situation can change quickly. At 11 p.m., the area was still cordoned off.

Police use tear gas to disperse crowd

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