heat and good weather return to France from Monday

heat and good weather return to France from Monday
heat and good weather return to France from Monday
Unsplash Good weather will return to France from June 3, 2024 (illustrative image)


Good weather will return to France from June 3, 2024 (illustrative image)

WEATHER – No more gray skies and rain, at least in a few days. From the start of next week, the temperature will rise and even exceed seasonal averages, Météo-France indicated in its bulletin published Thursday May 30.

“The high pressures over the Atlantic will increasingly spill over into France, ensuring drier weather with temperatures rising in the west. We should return to season averages on Monday, and go above them on Tuesday,” thus writes the weather institute.

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Who adds: “The heat will then increase, with 25°C rising further north on Thursday and 30°C often approaching or reaching in the south. » As shown above in the Weather Channel map published on X, temperatures will increase by up to 10 degrees between this Friday, May 31 and Friday, June 6.

After the rain comes the good weather

According to Météo-France forecasts, it will be between 19 and 25 degrees across France on Monday afternoon. We can expect rain on Tuesday, but temperatures will remain above 20 degrees over a large part of the territory and it will even be 27 degrees in Montpellier.

On Wednesday, good weather is expected everywhere despite clouds in the northern half: 23°C in Paris, 26°C in Auxerre, 25°C in Nantes, and even up to 28°C in Montélimar. And on Thursday, clouds will be everywhere except in the south-east of France. Météo-France forecasts temperatures between 24 and 27 in the south, 19 and 26 in the north.

Before the sun, we will still have to deal with the rain which will not spare “that the Mediterranean regions where the sun will find refuge” this Friday, according to Météo-France forecasts. Minimum temperatures will range from 9 to 12 degrees, 13 to 15 around the Mediterranean and 17 to 19 on Corsica and the Côte d’Azur. The maximums will be 15 to 18 near the English Channel, 17 to 22 from north to south, 23 to 26 over the Mediterranean arc.

Also see on HuffPost :

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