Press review for this Saturday October 19, 2024

Press review for this Saturday October 19, 2024
Press review for this Saturday October 19, 2024

Here are the main headlines developed by the national press this Saturday October 19, 2024:

The morning

In its latest Annual Report made public last Tuesday, the Economic, Social and Environmental Council warns of the worrying stagnation in the activity rate of women in the country. In 2023, only 19% of women participate in the economy, a striking figure compared to the rate for men which stands at 70%. But that’s not all: the unemployment rate among qualified women reaches 35%. Faced with these findings, the Council called for urgent mobilization to improve the economic empowerment of women and fight against persistent inequalities which hinder the socio-economic development of the country.


A cooperation protocol was signed Thursday in Cairo between the Moroccan Constitutional Court and its Egyptian counterpart, aiming to strengthen ties and exchanges between the two institutions. The agreement, initialed by the President of the Moroccan Constitutional Court, Mohamed Amine Benabdellah, and his Egyptian counterpart, Boulos Fahmy Iskandar, also provides for the exchange of judicial decisions and other publications between the two authorities, as well as the sharing of experiences in digital transition of judicial administration. It is also a question of promoting closer cooperation between the judges of the two institutions, taking into account the similarity of the general principles of the judicial systems of the two countries.


Despite its examination by members of the government since June 3, the Government Council did not approve the bill relating to the Code of Criminal Procedure, drawn up by the Minister of Justice Abdellatif Ouahbi. The reasons for the repeated postponements of the adoption of this text would be due to differences between ministers on the way in which certain articles are formulated. Mohamed Hajoui, secretary general of the government, organizes marathon meetings in order to agree on a reformulation of a few articles, which can satisfy all the ministers and respond to the observations they have presented.

Al Akhbar

The Chamber of Advisors held a plenary session devoted to the election of members of the Bureau of the Chamber and the presidents of the standing committees, for the second half of the current legislature. The process resulted in the election of an office in which women were not represented, given that the parliamentary groups had not proposed any female parliamentary advisor to take charge of this office. The absence of women parliamentarians within parliamentary structures has sparked several criticisms accusing the House of Advisors of “not respecting” the guidelines of the Kingdom’s Constitution, which includes provisions aimed at strengthening the representation of women in assemblies. elected. Parliamentary advisers have threatened to resort to the Constitutional Court to challenge the composition of the office and structures of the Chamber.

Al Massae

The European Union (EU) is seeking to impose special and strict control on all fund transfers made by Moroccans to their country of origin, indicates a source in the Moroccan diaspora. It would seek to put an end to financial transfers outside of European banks, which “will lead to a significant drop in currency transfers to Morocco,” according to the same source.

Rissalat Al Oumma

For the second time in a row, the Ministry of the Interior postponed the meeting with the unions of municipal civil servants, scheduled for October 17 to 31 as part of the continuation of the sectoral dialogue cycles, without giving the reasons. The sectoral unions said they were attached to all the points contained in the memorandum of demands submitted to the Ministry of the Interior as an objective and serious basis for responding to the demands of civil servants of local authorities, calling for the improvement of material and morals of retirees in the sector and the improvement of the social and health services provided to them.

Assahra al-Maghribia

The Mediator of the Kingdom of Morocco, Mohamed Benalilou, was elected, Thursday in Quebec, first vice-president of the Association of Ombudsmans and Mediators of the Francophonie (AOMF), representing the African group, alongside the mediator of Wallonia -Belgium, the Ombudsman of New Brunswick-Canada, the defender of the rights of the French Republic and the mediator of the Republic of Benin. As such, the Mediator of the Kingdom was also elected President of the “Memberships Committee” under of the AOMF, underlines the Institution of the Mediator of the Kingdom in a press release, noting that the election of Mr. Benalilou took place during the General Assembly held from October 15 to 18 on the sidelines of the 12th congress of the AOMF .

Al Ittihad alichtiraki

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, made public on Thursday his annual report on the Moroccan Sahara, in which he recommends to the Security Council to extend the mandate of MINURSO for one year, until October 31, 2025. As In previous years, this report addresses recent developments in the Moroccan Sahara issue, both on the ground and at the international level. It provides an overview of the evolution of the political process since last October until now.



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