Staffan de Mistura betrayed the neutrality of UN mediation

Staffan de Mistura betrayed the neutrality of UN mediation
Staffan de Mistura betrayed the neutrality of UN mediation

In an in-depth analysis following the poor announcement of the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary General for the Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, during his briefing to the Security Council, political scientist El Abbas El Ouardi denounced the “regression » of his attempt, while the main mission of the UN envoy was to advance the negotiations towards the round tables.

The suggestion of partition of the Sahara presented by the UN mediator to the Security Council not only represents a clear failure of mediation, but also constitutes an obstacle to the efforts made by the international community to achieve a just and lasting solution to this dispute, estimated the professor of political science and public law at Mohammed V University in Rabat.

In a statement collected as part of a request by Hespress FR, El Ouardi asserts: “What Staffan de Mistura has just suggested represents a clear regression in the context of negotiations around the Moroccan Sahara. Proposing a division of the territory is a blatant attack on Moroccan sovereignty and all the efforts made by the Kingdom since the 2007 autonomy initiative.”

According to him, this proposal stems from a misreading of the regional and international context, as well as Security Council resolutions, which, since 2003, have clearly rejected any idea of ​​partition. “It is a dangerous step backwards, incompatible with the expectations of a negotiated political solution which respects the territorial integrity of Morocco,” he added.

A biased proposal in favor of Algeria

Professor El Ouardi did not fail to underline the partial aspect of the proposal, insinuating that it seems to serve Algeria’s geopolitical interests. “It is obvious that this partition proposal aims to limit Morocco’s natural expansion towards Africa, an objective that Algeria has pursued for decades,” he said.

De Mistura’s approach, he continued, is biased by external influence, notably Algerian, seeking to impose a status quo favorable to the Polisario. “This mediation, supposed to be neutral, seems to have lost sight of the very essence of its role, and this is a worrying drift,” continued El Ouardi.

For El Ouardi, the partition proposal above all reflects the inability of Staffan de Mistura to carry out his mandate after these 3 years in office. “It is clear that this suggestion is an admission of failure. De Mistura failed to convince stakeholders to engage in constructive negotiations, and his approach did not produce any concrete results,” he insisted.

He also recalled that recent Security Council resolutions, in particular resolution 2703, strongly support the autonomy initiative proposed by Morocco, an initiative widely recognized on the international scene as a serious and credible solution. “Any proposal that does not consolidate the political achievements of the Kingdom is doomed to failure,” he concluded.

Thus, Abbas El Ouardi, believes that the suggestion of partition by de Mistura is nothing more than a diplomatic misstep, betraying the very essence of international mediation, and dangerously distancing itself from the political reality on the ground. .

The professor, in his analysis, also pointed out the way in which this proposal betrays the principle of neutrality supposed to guide all UN mediation. “Staffan de Mistura’s mission, from the beginning, should be that of a neutral facilitator, seeking to bring the positions of the parties closer together with a view to a lasting solution. However, by relaunching this old idea of ​​partition, he has clearly taken sides, and this, for the benefit of Algeria, to the detriment of the Security Council resolutions,” he said.

The political analyst recalled that neutrality is the very foundation of the role of mediator and that any deviation from this principle seriously compromises the credibility of the UN in this matter. “Such a proposal can only exacerbate tensions instead of fostering a solution. It only reinforces the obstinacy of the Polisario and prolongs the current political impasse,” he added, criticizing an approach which seems to serve geopolitical calculations more than the interest of lasting peace.

The autonomy initiative: the only realistic path

For the expert, it is obvious that the autonomy initiative proposed by Morocco in 2007 remains the only realistic and credible solution to put an end to this artificial regional dispute. “This initiative, supported by many countries around the world and by Security Council resolutions, offers a framework that is as inclusive as it is respectful of the sovereignty of the Kingdom. Unlike de Mistura’s proposal, which comes from another era, autonomy allows the Sahrawi population to conduct their local affairs while remaining under the authority of Morocco,” he explained.

The professor concluded by asserting that any other approach, particularly those attempting to divide the territory, is not only unrealistic, but also contrary to the aspirations of the Sahrawis themselves. “The Security Council must remain vigilant and avoid getting lost in obsolete and unworkable options. The Kingdom remains ready to continue on the path of dialogue, but only within the framework of its autonomy initiative,” he firmly declared.



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