City of Nyon: The 2023 accounts are positive

Nyon was too pessimistic, the results turned out to be positive

Published today at 07:00

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The forecasts made during the 2023 budget were a little too pessimistic in Nyon. The City, which anticipated a deficit of 11 million francs, can rejoice in having ended its year in black figures. The 2023 accounts indeed show a slight surplus of 672,000 francs, out of a total of 262 million francs in expenses. The self-financing margin reached 17.8 million francs.

For the trustee Daniel Rossellat, this positive result can be explained quite simply by the “double caution” that the authorities of a municipality must exercise. Namely, be careful to ensure that all possible expenses are included in the budget – even those that will ultimately not be incurred – while avoiding being too reckless when forecasting revenue.

Tax revenues on the rise

The Municipality nevertheless highlights tax revenues that will rise sharply in 2023, exceeding those of 2022 by 14.1 million francs. This concerns both tax on the profits of legal entities, so-called cyclical taxes, and finally income tax. In Nyon, the population increased by 2.3% during the previous year. “This demonstrates the attractiveness of the city, in particular thanks to quality infrastructure,” underline the authorities.

Also, a return of 4.6 million francs from equalization is noted in the accounts report. “We must rejoice in today’s good news and anticipate their effects on tomorrow,” said the municipal official in charge of Finance, Claude Uldry.

Development projects

Regarding the investments made during the twelve months of 2023, a total of 23.9 million francs was, among other things, devoted to the construction of the police stationhas renovation of the downtown school and the maintenance of certain municipal buildings. The City’s debt was 297.6 million francs as of December 31, an amount slightly lower than a year earlier.


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Marine Dupasquier has been a journalist in the Vaud & Régions section since 2020 and works between the Nyon and Morges editorial offices. Sensitive to local issues, she did her first freelance work at the Journal de Morges.More informations

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