How will the situation evolve following the international arrest warrant against Netanyahu? Chantal Monet’s analysis

Yesterday, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court requested an arrest warrant against several Israeli and Hamas leaders for war crimes, which sparked numerous reactions around the world, including in Belgium. If this were to be done, what would it entail? Some answers with our specialist Chantal Monet.

It was one of the big news stories yesterday: the request for an arrest warrant, from the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, against several Israeli and Hamas leaders for war crimes. But while nothing has yet been done, how will the rest of the events unfold, and above all, how long will it last?

Present on the RTL info 1 p.m. set, our specialist in international issues, Chantal Monet, explains: “The approval of three judges is now required. So, either they give the green light, or the red light, or the orange light. And then, they can also issue a summons without an arrest warrant. Their decision could come at any time. And afterwards, if there is a trial, we are gone for years“.

And if this arrest warrant were to actually be issued, what would be the consequences? “This severely restricts your travel, since the 124 countries that recognize the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) are required to arrest you as soon as you set foot on their territory. Among these 124 countries, all European countries. For example: Benjamin Netanyahu could no longer travel to Switzerland for the Davos forum. This is also the case for Vladimir Putin, who has been under arrest for a year. He went to China last week because that country does not recognize the ICC. On the other hand, he did not go to South Africa last year because this country recognizes the ICC. So there was a risk that he would be arrested“, she explains.

With the numerous tensions generated by this conflict, and following this decision to issue an arrest warrant, the ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, has been the victim of threats and pressure for several months now. “Yes, he denounced it publicly. He and his colleagues are therefore victims of threats and intimidation. His family is also threatened. Twelve Republican US senators wrote to him, saying ‘be careful what you do’. It’s true that it’s a historic decision. This is the first time that the International Criminal Court has targeted a Westerner. So, is it to protect yourself? In any case, he said ‘I took this decision after consulting a panel of eight international experts, including Amal Clooney, a prominent Lebanese lawyer.“, concludes our journalist.

Israel-Palestine conflict international criminal court Benjamin Netanyahu



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