The numbers are shocking. During his life, one in eight French women are affected by breast cancer. 80% of cases occur after the age of 50. In France overall, in Brittany in particular, there are twice as many breast cancers as in Germany. And many would be avoidable, with organized screening – Pink October being an awareness month – and with the way we live.
“Exposure to cancer risk factors is greater in France than in other countries, the standardized incidence is dthem times lower in Germany“recalls Professor Michel Robaszkiewicz, president of the Regional Cancer Screening Center. “Among the risk factors that are avoidable, there are essentially factors linked to diet: being overweight, a diet too rich in fat, alcohol consumption which is a factor that is often ignored by women, It is also smoking, the absence of physical activity We know that regular physical activity significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer. It is estimated that 40% of cancers are preventable, this also applies to breast cancer. breast cancer.”
Alcohol involved
According to studies, “8,000 breast cancers are linked to alcohol consumption in France.” For what ? “Alcohol acts as an element which intervenes through its metabolites on DNA repair, on DNA damage. It can lead to mutations which can lead to the appearance of cancers with a accumulation de mutations.”
Not enough screening
Another factor that favors the development of breast cancer is the lack of interest in screening. Out of fear? “Eight in 1,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer“recalls the president of the union of radiologists of Finistère, Henri Le Penndu, after the first mammogram. When nothing has been detected, a second mammogram — anonymized — is performed by another radiologist.
Before 50 years old, It is recommended to make one appointment per year with a health professional for an examination and a self-palpation every three months.
Between 50 and 74 years old, women are affected by organized screening (100% covered). Since this year, it is Health Insurance which has sent letters (and emails) to encourage people to make an appointment for a screening mammogram every two years. Because it is effective, breast cancer detected early, at an early stage, is a 99% survival rateannounce the professionals. Only 26% when detected at an advanced stage.”
Very little screening in Central Brittany
A screening rate of 70% should be achieved estimates the CRDCD. We are far from it, with 48.2% in France according to Santé Publique France. It is a little better in Brittany with 53% on average, but with strong disparities. Up to 64% in southern Morbihan, but only 39.4% in Central Brittany. “He has difficulty accessing care,” notes Lénaïg Abily-Donval, coordinating doctor at the regional cancer screening center. “There are fewer health care structures, fewer doctors, fewer midwives, fewer gynecologists… There may be problems with delays, but there is also the problem of transport, since often medical practices radiology are far from places of residence.” There is therefore a mobile screening project in Brittany, in the years to come, for breast, colon and cervical cancers.
After 74, you have to think about it alone
And after 74 yearswhat screening? “Breast cancer does not stop at age 74. It is strongly recommended that all patients, after age 75, continue to be monitored and have a screening mammogram every two years until 80-85 years old. Everything then obviously depends on the state of health of the patients. A patient in very good general condition can very well have a mammogram at 77, 79 or 81 years old. So you have to think about it alone, even if the attending physician can give good advice.
And the men?
Yes, men can also suffer from breast cancer. But it is extremely rare. Less than 1% of breast cancers affect men. In general, these are genetic cancers (in families with breast cancer) which affect men over 70 years old. As the breast is not developed, abnormalities are seen much more quickly, cancer is quicker to detect and more easily treated.