lunch against a backdrop of tensions between Bruno Retailleau and Didier Migaud

lunch against a backdrop of tensions between Bruno Retailleau and Didier Migaud
lunch against a backdrop of tensions between Bruno Retailleau and Didier Migaud

Bruno Retailleau and Didier Migaud, respectively Minister of the Interior and Justice, had lunch together this Monday at noon. The opportunity to discuss “current issues” between the two ministers whose differences are known.

Ministers Bruno Retailleau and Didier Migaud had lunch together at Place Vendôme this Monday afternoon, BFMTV learned from reliable sources.

According to the entourage of the new Minister of Justice, “the two men discussed current issues.” “They agreed to meet regularly, as well as their cabinet directors,” specifies this same source. Bruno Retailleau’s entourage, for their part, evokes “a very good exchange.”

Passage of arms on justice and the rule of law

The Minister of the Interior “was able to deliver his vision, and his concern about the feelings of the police regarding the non-application of sentences”, according to the entourage of the tenant of Place Beauvau. “They also discussed the question of prison places. The two ministers get along well, they do not envisage communication fights,” we explain in the circle of the Minister of the Interior.

Last week was marked by several skirmishes between the two ministers. On September 24, traveling to (Seine-Saint-Denis), Bruno Retailleau considered that there had been “for too long a right to non-execution of judicial sentences”, calling for “sentences and sanctions to fall” by reviewing “a number of frameworks for changing penal policy”. Comments undermined by Didier Migaud for whom “lax justice does not exist.”

Facing Duhamel: Natacha Polony – Retailleau, stronger than the rule of law? – 30/09

Bruno Retailleau and Didier Migaud also shared different positions on the rule of law. On September 29, in an interview with the Journal du Dimanche, the new Minister of the Interior considered that “the rule of law is neither intangible nor sacred.” Comments which tensed the left and part of the macronie.

For his part, Didier Migaud, Minister of Justice, called for “the rule of law to be respected.” “Indeed, we can have different starting points and then arrival points which, I hope, will be closer,” said the tenant of Place Vendôme. The two ministers were received together by Michel Barnier at Matignon last Thursday. The opportunity certainly to reduce tensions between the two ministers.

Alexis Cuvillier, with Matthieu Heyman



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