secondary education days are over!

This is what we can read in the majority agreement negotiated between the N-VA, Vooruit and the CD&V, which will be led by Matthias Diependaele. In basic education, these educational days will be limited to three half-days and an “educational alternative” must then be provided for the students.

Currently, Flemish secondary schools could organize one educational day per year. During this day, the establishment was closed to allow teachers to participate in training.

Still in terms of education, the new Flemish majority also announces its desire to change the school textbook policy

“Professionalization is part of the teaching profession but we do not want this to happen during students’ learning time,” indicates the new government. However, it intends to maintain continuing training for teachers but at other times.

Still in terms of education, the new Flemish majority also announces its desire to change the school textbook policy. The objective is in particular to abandon the use of textbooks that students must complete in favor of more traditional textbooks.

Flemish government: these decisions which may interest French speakers…

According to an internal evaluation, the manuals to be completed by students – often just a few words – are considered expensive and not very effective at the educational level. They cannot be resold second hand either.

The government, the most feminine of all time, expects those involved in Flemish education to agree among themselves on this change. Failing this, legislation will be adopted.



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