Football: Antoine Griezmann says goodbye to the team

Antoine Griezmann says goodbye to the team

The French striker from Atlético Madrid announced his international retirement, after wearing the Blues jersey 137 times.

Published today at 11:10 a.m.

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Antoine Griezmann shocked the football world this Monday morning. The 33-year-old French striker has indeed announced that he is retiring from international football.

The Atlético Madrid player posted a message on X which signified his withdrawal from the France team. “It is with a heart full of memories that I close this chapter of my life. Thank you for this magnificent tricolor adventure and see you soon,” he wrote.

In total, Griezmann wore the Blues jersey 137 times, scoring 44 goals.

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Renaud Tschoumy is a journalist in the Sport-Center editorial team. He moved to the web in 2012. Previously, he covered football news (and in particular the Swiss team) for “Le Matin” for 12 years.More info @Rauque_n_Drole

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