“They haven’t understood anything for a while”: group shots from CAQ ministers against the Trudeau government

Many ministers from the Legault government, present at the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) conference in Saint-Hyacinthe on Saturday, commented on the most recent standoff between Quebec and Ottawa over immigration.

• Also read: No representative of the Legault government at the official dinner for Macron’s visit to Montreal

• Also read: Trudeau-Legault dispute in front of Macron: “It looks very baby lala”

It was not Hydro-Québec’s projects, the development of the battery sector or economic growth that attracted attention during the gathering, but rather Justin Trudeau’s latest outings during the visit of French President Emmanuel Macron. The Canadian leader then attacked Prime Minister François Legault, accusing him of spreading lies on the issue of immigration.

Mr. Legault took advantage of a speech to rekindle hostilities.

François Legault

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“Mr. Trudeau’s government has completely lost control of immigration,” he denounced. What is the reaction of the Bloc Québécois and its sister party, the Parti Québécois? They give their trust to Justin Trudeau’s government without asking for anything in return on immigration. I don’t understand.”

Some leaders of the CAQ government added their voice to that of their leader.

Bernard Drainville

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“They haven’t understood anything for a while […] I repeat, nearly 60 schools with 24 classes have been opened to promote francization. I lack schools, and I lack teachers,” claimed Education Minister Bernard Drainvile.

Jean-François Roberge

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“I really hope that there will be progress on the International Mobility Program. On the other hand, on asylum seekers, there is no progress,” added his colleague at Immigration, Jean-François Roberge.

Christine Fréchette

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The Minister of the Economy, Christine Fréchette, indicated for her part that “concrete proposals” had been made in the file.

“We brought a lot of thought to the mill for asylum seekers, with clear, realistic proposals that would lead to a significant reduction,” she said.

Tensions between the federal and provincial governments have even spilled over into the issues of the environment and seniors.

Benoit Charette

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“With Steven Guilbault, we are feeling a bit cold these days, given the caribou issue,” declared Minister of the Environment Benoit Charette.

Sonia Bélanger

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“With the federal government, with the files that I have under my responsibility, it was a little complicated,” admitted Seniors Minister Sonia Bélanger.

Supper of discord

Several Quebec ministers denied having skipped the reception organized on the occasion of the visit of French President Emmanuel Macron.

Mathieu Lacombe

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“We received the invitation — I have the email — at 2:57 p.m., the same day. [C’était] a day when, obviously, we have lives and we have busy schedules. I find it quite ordinary.” lamented Minister of Culture and Communications Mathieu Lacombe.

His colleague Christine Fréchette corroborated this version of the facts.

“There was no boycott. The invitation came a few hours before the event, during the night,” she confessed.

“If we had really known in advance, we could have coordinated to participate,” added Jean-François Roberge.



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