After the murder of Philippine, a 19-year-old student found in the de Boulogne, what we know about the suspect arrested in Switzerland

Philippine’s body was discovered during a search this Saturday, September 21, less than 24 hours after her disappearance, in , on September 23, 2024. DELPHINE GOLDSZTEJN / PHOTOPQR/LE PARISIEN/MAXPPP

The investigation, conducted in all directions since the discovery of the victim’s body, has mobilized significant human and material resources. On Tuesday, September 24, a Moroccan national, aged 22, strongly suspected of being the murderer of Philippine, aged 19, found, Saturday, September 21, partially buried in the de Boulogne (16e district of Paris), was arrested by Swiss police at Geneva station, the site revealed Actu17.

For the time being, no information relating to the identity of the young man has been made public by the police or judicial authorities, a sign that this case, beyond the criminal aspects, is considered particularly sensitive due to the political context. According to several sources close to the case, the individual arrested is of Moroccan nationality and was already sentenced, in 2021, to seven years in prison for a rape committed in (Val-d’Oise), when he was a minor, in similar circumstances: the victim had been followed into a wood.

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Released since June, due to the application of a sentence reduction, he was also subject to an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) that had not been executed. Placed in the administrative detention center upon his release from prison on June 20, he was released on September 3 by a judge of liberties and detention, according to a source close to the case. This release occurred at the time of the fourth and final possibility of extending his detention by fifteen days, before reaching the maximum duration provided for by law, increased to ninety days in 2018. The administration had not obtained a consular pass (LPC) from Morocco, a travel document essential for the removal of a foreigner without a passport.

The issuance of LPCs is a subject of strong diplomatic tension with the main countries of origin in the Maghreb. According to the latest figures published by the Ministry of the Interior, in 2022, Morocco issued within the time limits for removal 54.4% of the LPCs requested by .

Strong political reactions

Since the immigration law came into force in January, detention can be extended exceptionally, even in the absence of any prospect of removal in the near future, if the detainee presents a persistent threat to public order. However, this threat must have materialised within the last fifteen days. Since his release, the suspect had not complied with his reporting obligations and had therefore been entered on the wanted persons register fifteen days later.

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