Conservatives could table a motion of censure as early as next week

Conservatives could table a motion of censure as early as next week
Conservatives could table a motion of censure as early as next week

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre will have his first chance to try to bring down Justin Trudeau’s minority government next week, during an “opposition day” where his party could table a motion of censure.

It is Tuesday, according to the office of the leader of the Liberal Party in the House of Commons, Karina Gould, that the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) should be granted this by the government opposition dayThe next day, he will be able to submit a motion of his choice to a vote.

Justin Trudeau’s government has been weakened since Jagmeet Singh’s New Democratic Party (NDP) broke off the support agreement that bound it to the Liberals in early September.

Since then, the Conservatives have been very clear about their desire to bring down the government at the first opportunity and thus trigger early federal elections.

With his party leading in the polls, Mr. Poilievre is putting increasing pressure on the NPD and the Bloc Québécois to force an early vote, but the game is not yet won.

THE NPD has already said he will take a “vote-by-vote” approach to the fall session of Parliament. Bills pushed by the New Democrats as part of their support deal with the Liberals are still being debated in Parliament, and a vote to oust the Liberals could result in their death on the order paper.

Blanchet doesn’t believe it too much

The Conservative Party will try to rig up a wording that will lead us into its rhetoric. […] but the probability is very lowestimated for his part the leader of the Bloc Québécois, Yves-François Blanchet, in an interview with Live with Patrice Roy.

Mr. Blanchet argued that the position his party will adopt with regard to the possible motion of censure will not be without compensation.

Give us things we want, we’ll vote for them, give us things we don’t want, we’ll vote against them.

A quote from Yves-François Blanchet, leader of the Bloc Québécois

Interview with Yves-François Blanchet, leader of the Bloc Québécois

In an interview at CBCMr. Blanchet indicated more explicitly that he did not intend to vote with the Conservatives next week.

They will have to be very, very cunning and very good at writing. [de la motion] if they want us to read it all the way through. It will probably just be a show.

A quote from Yves-François Blanchet, leader of the Bloc Québécois

I am not trying to replace Justin Trudeau with Pierre Poilievre… I believe that, for Quebec, Pierre Poilievre is no better than Mr. Trudeau.declared the Bloc leader.

He added that he did not think the parties would seek to force a no-confidence vote after Halloween, as that would put the election too close to Christmas. However, he indicated that things could get more heated in mid-October.

We will have had a month to do things, negotiate, get things… so these would be a few days where we would have to be very careful about what happens.Mr. Blanchet said.

With information from Christian Noël



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