Switzerland: Council of States strengthens civil protection

Switzerland: Council of States strengthens civil protection
Switzerland: Council of States strengthens civil protection

Council of States wants to strengthen civil protection

An innovative project was approved this Wednesday: military service and civilians could be integrated into civil protection to strengthen its personnel.

Published today at 09:56

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Civil protection staffing levels must be increased. The Council of States largely adopted on Wednesday a Federal Council draft providing for several measures to achieve this objective.

In particular, they provide for an extension of the obligation to serve in civil protection to certain persons subject to military service and to former members of the army. Persons subject to civil service may be required to carry out part of their obligation to serve in the civil protection of a canton that is understaffed.

This project is necessary to solve the chronic understaffing problems suffered by civil protection organisations. Otherwise, services may no longer be provided, explained Josef Dittli (PLR/UR) for the committee.

The left has opposed in vain the obligation to force certain civilians into civil protection. Such a commitment must be based on a voluntary basis. Civil protection must not be strengthened to the detriment of civil service, stressed Franziska Roth (PS/SO).

The National Council has yet to decide.


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