Ghost's Tobias Forge reveals what he considers the 'perfect' extreme metal album

Ghost frontman Tobias Forge shared his admiration for Seven ChurchesPossessed's first album, which he describes as “perfect extreme Metal album”. This cult album, released in 1985, marked Forge for its raw intensity and its ability to capture the energy of youth.

A revelation in the extreme metal scene

Forge, known for leading Ghost to the biggest stages in the world, grew up in the 80s, influenced by groups like Kiss, Mötley Crüe, Venom and Bathory. Passionate about the death and Black Metal scenes, he himself got his start in underground bands like Repugnant and Absurdum.

For Forge, Seven Churches by Possessed represents an essential step in the evolution of extreme metal. He told Metal Hammer : “Seven Churches is the perfect embodiment of youthful anger. The production might seem a little raw for today's audiences, but that's how I like my metal to sound. When Death Metal production started to change in the mid-90s, that’s when I took off.”

The album, recorded by teenage musicians including Jeff Becerra and Larry Lalonde (later a member of Primus), pushed the boundaries of Thrash Metal with tracks like The Exorcist et Death Metalwhile laying the foundations for the death and black metal genres.

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A timeless heritage

Despite a short career, Possessed left an indelible mark on extreme metal. Forge underlines the authenticity and vitality of this album which, according to him, remains timeless: “Even today he sounds wild, authentic and full of life. If I were to delve into something really extreme, this album would be one of my first choices.”




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