From left to right: the municipal coordinator and the 6 census takers.
Credits: Ville Mont-de-Marsan
Each year, the population is censused by INSEE. Being registered is a civic gesture which makes it possible to determine the official population of each municipality. It's simple, useful and safe. See you from January 16 to February 22, 2025.
The population census is essential for several facets of our community's action. For example, the more populated a municipality, the greater the State's participation in the municipality's budget. The number of inhabitants also depends on the number of elected officials in the Municipal Council, the determination of the voting method, the number of pharmacies, etc. Furthermore, the census makes it possible to make decisions adapted to the needs of the population. Opening a nursery, setting up a business, building housing or developing means of transport are projects based on detailed knowledge of the population of each municipality (age, profession, means of transport, housing conditions, etc.). It is therefore essential that everyone participates.
Who is listed?
For municipalities with 10,000 inhabitants or more, such as Mont de Marsan, the census is carried out every year on a different sample covering 8% of housing. This year, the 6 enumerators who will crisscross the city will present themselves to the 1,396 housing units selected by INSEE. If you are part of this 8% (a letter announced this to you), an enumerator will come to your home, armed with his official card. He will give you your connection details to the site, using which you will be able to answer the questionnaire online (this procedure, very simple and intuitive, does not even take 10 minutes). If you really cannot respond online, the agent will distribute the paper questionnaires to you to complete and arrange an appointment with you to come and collect them.
A procedure that preserves your privacy
The census is carried out according to procedures approved by the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (Cnil). INSEE is the only organization authorized to use the questionnaires, and this anonymously. They cannot therefore give rise to any administrative or tax control. The information is not stored in databases. All people having access to the questionnaires (including enumerators) are bound by professional secrecy. (Press release)
Municipal coordinator at Mont de Marsan town hall: 05 58 05 87 53 Find out more: –