“The Villa of Broken Hearts”: a candidate for the new season reveals having been abused

Leading candidate of the eighth edition of The Villa of Broken Hearts, Solène Fouquez now leads a dream life. But before finding fulfillment in her life as a woman, the reality TV star endured years of suffering.

During a recent interview with Sam Zirah, the pretty blonde revealed that she had been victim of abuse from ages 4 to 15. The author of these acts? “ A close family member“.

When you’re a little girl, everything gets mixed up. A loved one who touches a child, a child who trusts this loved one, we don’t understand. We know there is something wrong, but we don’t understand“, she explained with great emotion.

When you’re young, you’re not sexual, so when someone enters your privacy, your sexuality, it’s very disturbing and you grow up with this image of yourself as just a girl made for that. That’s why it’s important to talk about itto free yourself from that, to go through something else and to begin a second work on yourself which is to say to yourself: ‘I am much more than that and I am not just a woman who serves as a sexual object for perverse practices“.

“No prison”

Broken by this man, Solène admits to having turned the page on this dark period thanks to the intervention of the justice system. “ When I turned 18, there was a trial and I saw my attacker for the last time in a court. This is where the work really began. When there is a legal sanction, you move on. It’s as if the balance of the world was restored because there was justice“, she confided.

However, his attacker’s sentence was not proportional to the seriousness of his actions: “ There was the prohibition from approaching minors or working in structures with minors, damages and, as he was elderly, removal measures, but that’s all. No prison. […] My parents were devastated.

Over time, Solène gradually distanced herself from the “ little girl ” that she was. “ When I talk about her, it’s another body. I don’t want to feel the pain I felt anymore“, she concluded. Upsetting confidences.



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