76% of Macronist voters want a “republican front” in the second round – Libération

76% of Macronist voters want a “republican front” in the second round – Libération
76% of Macronist voters want a “republican front” in the second round – Libération

Liberation Info

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Legislative elections 2024dossier

According to a Cluster17 survey that “Libération” publishes exclusively, 45% of voters say they are in favor of a roadblock to the National Rally, including more than two thirds of Renaissance voters. Which could limit, or even prevent, the victory of the far right on July 7.

This will probably be the key to the second round of these early legislative elections. Will the “Republican front”, which is often announced as dead and buried, reform in extremis on July 7 to prevent the National Rally from obtaining an absolute or relative majority in the National Assembly? A poll (1) carried out by Cluster17 that Release published exclusively, gives some reasons for hope.

The study is divided into two questions. The respondents are first questioned as follows: “Would you be in favor or opposed to candidates and political leaders calling on their voters to support candidates from other parties in the second round duels against the National Rally, with the aim of preventing the RN from obtaining a majority ?» To this question, 45% of them say they are “favorable” and 42% “unfavorable”. 13% say they have no opinion.

When we break down these responses according to the vote in the last European elections, we see that the left is quick to demand this republican barrier. Thus 85% of voters from Place publique-PS, 76% from La France insoumise, 76% of ecologists ask for it. First reason for hope: 76% of Renaissance voters – an electorate which will be the key between the two rounds – are also in favor. On the other hand,



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