Liam Di Benedetto (Les Marseillais) announces the birth of his twins

Liam Di Benedetto (Les Marseillais) announces the birth of his twins
Liam Di Benedetto (Les Marseillais) announces the birth of his twins

Today at 4:36 p.m. – by
Sorelle Spet

Friday June 21, on Instagram, Liam Di Benedetto emotionally announced the birth of his twins.

On February 5, Liam Di Benedetto created a surprise by announcing his third pregnancy. If fans of the former candidate Marseille were so surprised when they learned of this happy news, it is because the young woman’s husband, Christophe, is currently imprisoned following a conviction for criminal association, drug trafficking and money laundering. “Christophe was sentenced to 12 years in prison. My heart is torn. […] I’d be lying to you if I told you I’m fine. I’m going through one of the heaviest moments of my life“, confided the young mother. The context in which the two parents conceived their babies – because, yes, Liam was pregnant with twins – then caused talk on the Web. However, Joy and Charlie’s mother did not not appreciated that Internet users use the expression “babies parlor“.”Yes, it’s a baby conceived in the visiting room […] but for me, it was just a baby that we made, well two babies […] He’s a love baby after all, that doesn’t change anything for us. It’s unexpected, I was in shock, and even now, I can’t believe I have two“, retorted the former reality TV candidate, on Instagram, after announcing her pregnancy.

Liam Di Benedetto (The people of Marseilles) gave birth to her twins

This June 21 is now a special day for Liam and Christophe. On her Instagram account, the young woman announced the birth of her twins and finally revealed the names of her two boys! “We are pleased to announce the birth of our children: Jude and Léroy“, she first wrote, publishing a photo of the little feet of the two babies. Most certainly exhausted by her childbirth, Liam got to the point by adding: “They were born on June 21 at 3:59 a.m. and 4:02 a.m. Everything is fine and everything went well!

Liam Di Benedetto receives support from many reality TV contestants

Upon hearing the news, many small screen personalities rushed to the comments to congratulate Liam and welcome Jude and Léroy. “Congratulations !“, wrote Eloïse Appelle, Manon Tanti, Laura Lempika and Milla Jasmine. Others, such as Paga and Kamila declared: “Which class ! Congratulations, my dear [c’est] the most beautiful thing in the world“, “Congratulations to you two ! Long life to your beautiful family!“, “Congratulations and what courage“, “Congratulations to the bravest mother!

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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