this “privileged little moment” that she will offer to TF1 viewers – Closer

this “privileged little moment” that she will offer to TF1 viewers – Closer
this “privileged little moment” that she will offer to TF1 viewers – Closer

Extremely rare in the media since the announcement of his illness. Céline Dion will be present in the 8 p.m. news on TF1 on Sunday June 16, 2024. The singer gave an exclusive interview to Anne-Claire Coudray to promote the documentary called I am: Celine Dion. The latter will be available on the Prime video platform from Tuesday June 25, 2024.

The documentary is terribly moving. I’ve never seen a star confide like that. No makeup, no blush. Céline Dion gave the director carte blanche. She agreed to be filmed in complicated situations. With very difficult moments of crisis. It commands respect“, explained Anne-Claire Coudray in the columns of Parisian.

Anne-Claire Coudray: “Céline Dion says she could no longer bear lying to herself”

She really wants to explain to her fans that she had no choice but to abandon them. By showing how this disease took control of his body. And his vocal cords“, also added the presenter of the 8 p.m. news on TF1. As a reminder, Céline Dion suffers from stiff man syndrome. A disease which affects the central nervous system.

We have a history of great interviews with international stars. The news, a somewhat sacred place where speech is very solemn, corresponds to his approach. The intensity of the disease, which is the cause of stiffness and spasms. And the 17 years of wandering around his symptoms will, I think, come as a surprise. Celine Dion says she couldn’t stand lying to herself anymore. To hide it from his fans“, also underlined Anne-Claire Coudray.

Anne-Claire Coudray: “We imagined a little Eiffel Tower as a gift”

We had 20 minutes with Celine Dion, not one more. On a set set up by Prime Video. We still managed to negotiate to be able to shoot the hello with our own camera. This is the moment when we could hope for something a little bit of our own“, then revealed the one who took over from
Claire Chazal
at the head of the 8 p.m. news on TF1.

We imagined a small Eiffel Tower as a gift for Céline Dion. This keychain was paltry enough to be fashionable. It was a wink, which was not intended to be anything else. Which allowed me to convey to her all the beautiful thoughts of the French for her. And to tell her that we hoped to see her again very soon in France“, finally concluded Anne-Claire Coudray.



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