“We’re fucking redoing the Stadium!” Bigflo and Oli attract 30,000 spectators to Toulouse

“We’re fucking redoing the Stadium!” Bigflo and Oli attract 30,000 spectators to Toulouse
“We’re fucking redoing the Stadium!” Bigflo and Oli attract 30,000 spectators to Toulouse

the essential
This Saturday, June 8, the first of two concerts given by Bigflo & Oli at the Toulouse Stadium filled a more than enthusiastic audience with happiness. Rebelote Sunday evening…

How to resist them? When they were little, they dreamed of it. Growing up, against all odds, they made their aspirations come true for two evenings in 2019 in an enclosure usually reserved for sport. And this Saturday evening, repeatthe two children of the city brought together 30,000 people at the Toulouse Stadium for a great mass in the style of a Rose Festival upon the arrival of the first parties provided by Olympe Chabert and Carbonne.

A concert dedicated to their mother

Dedicated to their mother who is currently battling cancer, the concert takes on, from the introduction, the feel of a celebration that is quite incredible to experience as the audience’s response is so immediate. The “energy” required is undoubtedly required upon arrival in the arena: “You must be hotter than Lyon and Lille, you have no choice, we are going to need the energy of south, from us!” And she was there, American style, with fanfare and with extras then “Here it is Toulouse” set the scene.

The two Toulouse rappers Bigflo and Oli have renovated the Stadium. More than 30,000 spectators gathered to attend a show in harmony with the two artists. Many guests marked the evening, such as Berywam, Vianney and Antoine Dupont. pic.twitter.com/SEgPlllcoU

— La Dépêche du Midi (@ladepechedumidi) https://twitter.com/ladepechedumidi/status/1799708259328115009?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

Antoine Dupont, Dadoo, Don Choa, Mouss and Hakim, Vianney…

Unleashed, the crowd accompanies the hits to the infernal flow of the boys and their guests who will be legion during this first evening. First “Papa” and, further on, a fine quarter of an hour from Toulouse led by the scrum half of Stade Toulousain and the French team Antoine Dupont, bearer of the European Cup. It will turn pink with the Toulouse quarter of an hour played by WarEnd, Dadoo (ex KDD), Don Choa (ex Fonky Family), Mouss & Hakim. Then will come beatboxer friend Wawad and the surprise of the evening, Vianney. We remain voiceless…

This evening at 8 p.m. at the Toulouse Stadium (1, Allée Gabriel Biénès). Prices: €35, 59 and 69. Ticketmaster and usual points of sale. www.bleucitron.net


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