“It made us want to stop the promotion,” Nicola Sirkis returns to the controversy

“It made us want to stop the promotion,” Nicola Sirkis returns to the controversy

The Indochine group did not participate in the opening or closing ceremonies of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Asked about this surprising absence given the popularity of the French group, Nicola Sirkis joked to our colleagues at Parisian : “We did not receive the Bristol. We are not part of this Parisian club, France Inter, Télérama. “I think they didn’t even think about us,” the singer said.

A statement that caused some controversy after its publication since some did not understand how artists like Aya Nakamura, Gojira, Celine Dion or Lady Gaga – invited to perform during the ceremony – would represent an elitist Parisian form of in-crowd. The first was born in Bamako, Gojira is a death metal band from the Landes, Celine Dion is Canadian… and each represents different forms of very popular music.

Speaking to Flavie Flament on RTL, the group returned to this controversy: “[On est dans] a crazy world for a long time, Nicola Sirkis initially agreed. It made us want to stop promoting. In fact, the problem is that we answer questions, we don’t confide. And the journalists think we confide, but we absolutely didn’t confide. We answered a question, we were asked ‘Were you invited?’ No, we weren’t invited, but it didn’t matter because the Olympic Games were magnificent. On what grounds should we have been invited? We don’t have that level. After that, that’s all. But hey, what’s funny is that it’s true this headline phenomenon. It’s always that.

And Nicola Sirkis praises Indochine’s discretion, one of the keys to their popularity and longevity according to him. “So, We prefer to keep quiet. Besides, it’s funny. The three favorite artists of the French, let’s remain humble, there is Goldman, us and Cabrel. They are the most discreet people. And so, we have to be careful. What is rare is expensive. We are discreet because there is no point in enriching all that. Indeed, it is the chaos of the world. It is Babel”, he concluded in a nod to the themes of the group’s latest album. Babel Babel.

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