Météo What time in the , this Saturday, January 25?

Météo What time in the , this Saturday, January 25?
Météo France What time in the Gard, this Saturday, January 25?

Clouds and rain this Saturday.

The sky is cloudy throughout the day, with low intermittent rains of the plain in Piedmont Cévenol until the middle of the afternoon. At the end of the afternoon, the rains on the Cévennes strengthen and became moderate before these evacuated to the Rhône valley on Saturday to Sunday. During this discrepancy to the PACA region, moderate rains will temporarily touch the garrigues to the north of Nîmes. It is expected on episode 20 to 40 mm on the Cévennes, locally up to 50 mm.

The sea wind will be strengthened on Saturday day to reach 50 to 60 km/h from the Rhône valley in Costières. Maximum temperatures, from plains to the coast, vary from 14 to 17 degrees. For the following night, they are close to 3 to 6 degrees, and -1 degrees on the Aigoual massif to Larzac.



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