Comedy at 900 meters altitude
With Flight Riskhis sixth feature film as director, Mel Gibson turns his back on the big, more or less historical productions, which had kept him busy since Braveheart in 1995, with The Passion of Christ (2004) or Apocalypto (2006). While she is today confined to second-rate Hollywood productions, the former action film star of the 1980s and 1990s has chosen to return to directing ten years after her last film, the interesting You will not kill (religious war film with Andrew Garfield). The ambition here is clearly less…
“The Passion of the Christ”: Passion, blood on white
Behind closed doors in a small single-engine plane flying over the desolate landscapes of Alaska and whose pilot is a dangerous psychopath, Flight Risk should be thrilling. This is far from being the case. In particular, the almost comic tone of the film, with completely caricatured characters. Especially since the trio of actors are making a lot of it. We’re used to it from Mark Wahlberg, but that’s also the case for Topher Grace and Michelle “Downton Abbey” Dockery. A comic tone that counterbalances Gibson’s reaffirmed taste for graphic violence…
-We can bet that Donald Trump’s support will be more involved for his next film, the fifth part of Lethal Weaponscheduled for 2026. He will still play alongside Dany Glover, but will take over the direction from Richard Donner, who died at 91 in 2021…
Flight Risk/High risk flight Thriller Of Mel Gibson Scenario Jared Rosenberg Photography Johnny Derango Musique Antonio Pinto With Michelle Dockery, Mark Wahlberg, Topher Grace… Duration 1h31