Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy is over 20 years old. However, the films raise several questions that remain unanswered today. Like this one about the Battle of Helm's Deep.
In 2002, many fans impatiently awaited the continuation of the adventures of Frodo, Sam, Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli and the whole gang. The Fellowship of the Ringadaptation of the first part of Lord of the Rings of J. R. R. Tolkien par Peter Jacksonwas released last year and it was a success.
The Two Towers should continue on this momentum, especially since we will see the famous Battle of Helm's Deeppitting a few hundred men from Rohan against 10,000 Uruk-Hai. It will turn out to be as grandiose as hoped.
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Perhaps you have seen it again and again to the point of knowing it by heart. And yet, there is a question you won't be able to answer if we ask you. Remember: before hostilities begin, King Théoden equips all men capable of fighting.
Everyone, even those who “have seen too many winters” as Legolas remarks, “or too little“, as Gimli replies. Among these reluctant soldiers, there is one, sword in hand, who seems even more lost than the others. Aragorn notices him and approaches him, asking his name and his weapon.
No one knows what happened to this character from The Two Towers, 23 years after the film's release
The young boy with long blond hair replied that his name was Haleth, son of Háma. Clearly terrified of the coming battles, he can't help but say to the ranger: “People say we won't make it through the night. They say it's hopeless“.
-Aragorn makes a few passes with the teenager's blade, then returns it: “It is a good sword, Haleth son of Hama. There is always hope“. Then everyone leaves to take positions for battle.
We see Haleth again a little later, alongsideAldora gray-bearded soldier who unwillingly shoots an arrow (and kills an Uruk-Hai) when no order has been given. An orc officer then shouts to his troops to advance. The battle begins.
When it ends after the spectacular Rohirrim charge, Haleth's fate is strangely passed over in silence. Given the scene he was treated to, one would have imagined seeing him either among the victims or among the survivors. This is not the case. Fans had fun plotting his most likely position using wide shots of the battle, but even so, It is impossible to say with certainty what happened to Haleth.
Does Haleth appear in the Lord of the Rings books?
If the films don't tell what happened to Haleth, perhaps the novels will? Unfortunately no, and for good reason: Haleth does not exist in Tokien's works. On the other hand, his father Loud Yes. We also see it in feature films.
It is he who welcomes Gandalf, Legolas and Gimli when they arrive at Edoras and insists on disarming them before bringing them to King Théoden, then under the influence of Saroumane. To which Gandalf replies that he would not want to deprive an old man of his walking stick. In the book, he also lets the wizard enter with his staff, voluntarily this time, knowing that it would help his ruler.
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Peter Jackson causes him to die during an attack by Warg Riders while escorting civilians to Helm's Deep. Tolkien also has a disastrous fate in store for him, but during the assault on the fortress. His body is also mutilated by the orcs in an attempt to undermine the morale of the troops. Háma will have the right to his own grave and Théoden will throw the first handful of earth there. It's up to you to imagine that Haleth could have done the same right after him.