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Normally, when the Moon crosses Gemini, you are in good shape! That is to say, you are best at telling stories and making those around you laugh, but also at having good relationships with your customers, neighbors, brothers and sisters, etc. Except that today, the Moon will be in dissonance with Venus and your feelings will not be very pleasant. You will have the impression that others do not pay enough attention to you, that they do not listen to you or even do not like your jokes. Perhaps it would be better for you to abstain, especially the 1st decan.
Until Sunday, the Moon crosses your neighbor Gemini, it is the 2nd sector of your chart, the one which manages your goods, your acquisitions and the way you spend or earn your money. Usually you don’t have to worry about it, but this month the Gemini Moon will be in dissonance with Venus around 3 p.m., at least if you were born in April. This represents a (slight) inconvenience in areas managed by Gemini. A compulsory expense (you don’t like what is obligatory)? A late return to school and you are disappointed?
The Moon will pass through your sign today and tomorrow. For today, 1st decan, the night star which represents what you feel internally, but which you do not necessarily express, will be in rapid dissonance with Venus around 3 p.m. It is possible that you don’t feel loved enough, or that you don’t like someone you meet or with whom you are forced to collaborate. There won’t be any incident, it’s just what you’ll feel that won’t please you and will make you want to run away, to be somewhere else…
The Moon, your ruler, is the most interesting planet today, it crosses your neighbor Gemini, sector 12 of your zodiac, and it forms a dissonance with Venus which, on the other hand, is well placed in sector 9. The Moon represents your emotions, your feelings, also this aspect tells us that you could feel something a little unpleasant, but which is not directly related to you. It is rather in relation to others in general, or even with a group, an association, a population which would arouse your compassion.
We are interested in fast-moving planets today, they are the mirror of your emotions, of your feelings. In particular the Moon, which itself reflects the light of the Sun: it is symbolically the reflection of your own inner Sun, namely (among others) the little light of intuition. And what you will feel, what you will anticipate today, will not necessarily be pleasant, the Moon being in (rapid) dissonance with Venus. Born in July, a friend or a relationship could disappoint you, a project too.
The Moon crosses Gemini, the zenith of your chart, which is generally a good stimulus to achieve your ambitions and the goals you are pursuing. The Moon passes through this sign once a month, but this time it will form a dissonance with Venus around 3 p.m. and you will feel it if you were born in August. It will be very temporary, and above all a feeling more than an event: you will have the impression of displeasing one of your superiors and, as is often the case, of not doing enough… But these are only impressions…
In Gemini, today’s Moon is well placed in relation to your sign and usually this bodes well for a good day (1st decan and start of the 2nd). This happens every month, but what changes is that its partner the Sun is not in the same sign since it passes through one per month. In short, this Moon which is supposed to be pleasant and friendly will be in dissonance with Venus and a very slight inconvenience awaits you: you will probably have pain somewhere (in your back?), but it will not last, perhaps because you know what. TO DO ?
In general, when the Moon crosses Gemini, sector 8 of your zodiac, you are more yourself than ever! Nothing and no one resists your influence and therefore your inner force which is so much more effective than the other force, the physical one… However, unlike other months, the Moon is in dissonance with Venus today and it someone may displease or disappoint you. This will remain an impression, and these are sometimes misleading: beware of… you.
1st and 2nd decan, the Moon is playing tricks on you today! You know that it represents what you feel, the emotions and sensations that are yours. Usually, when it crosses Gemini you are sensitive to what others feel more than to your own feelings… This will be the case today, but the Moon being in dissonance with Venus, you will not appreciate it at all what the other or others will make you feel. You will feel like no one loves you!
The Moon will cross your work and fitness sector this Friday, and will be in dissonance with Venus. Either what you will have to do will not please you: a medical appointment for example, or you will have more work and you will not have enough time, or it is possible that you will disagree with a colleague and that This annoys you for a few hours (1st decan). However, with the help of Mercury in your home, you will have something to answer for!
Normally, with the Moon in Gemini, you should be happy with what you do, as well as yourself. As sector 5 of your zodiac, this sign represents your self-esteem, your feeling of pleasing, of being attractive. The Moon passes through this sector once a month, but this month it forms a dissonance with Venus which indicates that something will be wrong; you will not be happy with yourself or you will feel poorly dressed, poorly styled, in short not totally comfortable for a few hours.
The Moon’s monthly journey, which represents your feelings, leads it through Gemini, your sector 4 of family and home. In general, it’s a day when you like to stay at home, or meet up with loved ones you don’t see during the week. But today there is a “catch”! The Moon and Venus are in dissonance and something or someone risks disappointing you, or even displeasing you. A loved one, your loved one or perhaps a brother or sister who will make an unpleasant comment to you. For example.
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