Cinema. “September without waiting”, a film by Jonas Trueba: the seasons of love

Cinema. “September without waiting”, a film by Jonas Trueba: the seasons of love


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Sep 14, 2024 at 7:10 p.m.

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Ale is a film director, her husband Alex is an actor. They have been married for 14 years and are the model of the perfect couple in the eyes of those around them. Except that today they invite their loved ones to celebrate… their separation. Shock in the family and friends microcosm. Is this a joke? Not at all.

It’s not that Ale and Alex cheat on each other or argue all day long, but that’s just the way it is. It’s mostly what Ale’s fanciful father (played here by Fernando Trueba, the director’s father and a filmmaker himself) likes to say at every turn: couples should celebrate their separation rather than their union. Like the tables turned, he can’t believe it and tries, in vain, to backpedal on this anarchic aphorism.

Romantic comedy

This romantic comedy flirting with Rohmerian atmospheres, full of cinematographic references (Truffaut among others) or philosophical ones (Kierkegaard), is a dizzying mise en abyme of virtuosity. Indeed, Ale and Alex shoot a film in the scenario of September without waiting. And of course, in the end, we understand that the scenario of the film they shoot is the scenario of the film we see.

So, a film reserved for movie buffs? Yes, definitely! But not only. Carried by two actors who are breathtakingly accurate in a refreshing sobriety of acting, this film speaks to us with a moving sensitivity about love and its seasons.

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Midlife crisis?

Maybe Ale and Alex need this separation to love each other better afterwards because we know that winter always precedes spring. Itsaso Arana (Ale) and Vito Sanz (Alex) are the ideal interpreters to tell us about this confusion of feelings as the all too famous midlife crisis arrives, as famous as it is potentially non-existent elsewhere.

Robert Pénavayre

September Without Waiting, a film by Jonas Trueba

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