8 secrets of the Oliphants (and their trainers)

In The Lord of the Rings, the oliphants or mûmakil are gigantic and frightening elephants ridden by the terrible haradrim warriors in the service of Sauron. Imagined by the author Tolkien as true war machines, the oliphants and the Haradrims play a crucial role in the epic battles taking place in Middle-earth. From their place in Tolkien’s writings to their role in Peter Jackson’s films and the extended universe, here we return to 8 facts that you (perhaps) didn’t know about the oliphants and their trainers, the Haradrims.

#8 Elephants are not evil creatures

In Tolkien’s universe, a number of animal species are actually populations in their own right, just like humans, elves or even goblins. Thus, horses or eagles have their own codes and language and are for some important characters in the saga of Lord of the Rings. We have very little information about elephants. apart from what we encounter on the battlefield and that they resemble the elephants of our reality. However, it is relatively reasonable to assume that these gigantic pachyderms are not, at base, evil beings. Moreover, the Haradrim, the people who pilot the oliphants, have not always ridden these beings. To be honest, the Oliphants didn’t even play a role in the history of Middle Earth until very late.

#7 Oliphants were not always ridden by the Haradrim

The Haradrim are not only a mysterious people but also one that is difficult to reduce to a single population. The part of Middle-earth they come from and live in actually brings together different groups of people with multiple origins and diverse specificities. Umbar, which is an important city for this people, sums up the complexity of their history well. Originally, Umbar was a city founded and connected to the humans living on the prestigious island of Númenor (the Atlantis of this lore, to put it simply). Umbar was a rich port, strategically placed, allowing trade with many regions of Middle-earth. But After the fall of Númenor, things change.

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A group of Númenoreans in exile settles down. But their policy is not unanimous among continentals. On the other hand, Among the Númenoreans in exile are members of a subgroup of this population called the Black Númenoreans. These individuals deny the gods and refuse to respect the elves. Their pro-Sauron speech and full of false populist promises quickly finds an echo among the Haradrims from the region who do not find themselves in the politics of the exiled Númenoreans. Swearing loyalty to Sauron, they support and help the Black Númenoreans succeed in their putsch. However, During these first great feats of arms of the Haradrim, they did not yet resort to the oliphants.

#6 It was Sauron who understood the military interest of the oliphants

From the moment when the city of Umbar falls under the influence of Sauron’s followers, Its history becomes a series of violent events. Close to the young kingdom of Gondor, the city is an obvious strategic stake. Gondor and the faithful of Sauron continue to fight for its control for hundreds of years. When Sauron forges the One Ring and places it on his fingerthe elves then discover that the master of darkness has gathered an army and intends to take control of the rings of power. The elves then begin the so-called war: elves against Sauron. According to late texts published by Christopher Tolkien, among Sauron’s forces there were obviously orcs but also humans. Among the human populations that rallied to Sauron’s forces were the future riders of the oliphants, the Haradrim.

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At that moment, five magicians appear on Middle-earth: the blue mages Morinehtar and Rómestámo. Thus, in a short text about the elf king Gil-galad, we learn that part of Sauron’s armed force during the War of the Elves against Sauron is held back in the east and south where the two blue mages have managed to recruit powerful enemies against the Dark Lord. Sauron loses this first war then, much later, ends up losing his ring during the war against the Last Alliance of Men and Elves. As he slowly regains strength, he rethinks his strategy. Realizing that the Haradrim are not enough help, he encourages them to domesticate the elephants. savages and turn them into war machines.

#5 Sauron surely helped tame the oliphants

At a time when the spirit of Sauron begins to reappear, he spreads throughout Middle Earth pto rally his new army. He hopes to regain his ring of power and finally dominate Middle-earth, where magic is gradually disappearing. When he reaches the Haradrim, he suggests that they tame the elephants. to gain striking power. Because of their immense size and thick skin, difficult to pierce by arrows or swords, they can become one of the deadliest weapons of the coming war. Except that what makes them strong also makes them It is difficult to imagine that the Haradrim could have tamed wild animals larger than some buildings on their own overnight.

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Sam and Frodo have the opportunity to observe an elephant during a fight against rangers led by Faramir (Boromir’s brother). Sam, fascinated by the beast, observes it with great attention and notices a rather telling detail: the red eyes. There are many creatures in the trilogy that have been corrupted and warped by Sauron’s will. Among these creatures, we find almost anything and everything: from the winged steeds of the Nazgûl to their black horses, including even black squirrels (which we talk about in more detail in this article right here). Gold, All these animals subject to the will of Sauron have one thing in common: red eyes. So in all likelihood, while the Haradrim certainly did a lot to train the elephants for war, they probably would never have gotten there without Sauron’s corruption.

#4 Théoden has won a major victory against the Oliphants and their riders

Although the names and functions of the various Easterners fighting on Sauron’s side are not necessarily stated in the books, we still seem to be able to distinguish among them warriors who are more important than others. Tolkien thus takes the time to describe certain elements in more detail during the different battles. During the battle before the white city of Minas Tiriththe author particularly emphasizes an enemy soldier who seems to be a leader among the Haradrims, controlling the Oliphants. Next to this warrior is a standard-bearer with a banner on which a black snake is depicted. This figure appears to be an important war leader. Upon his arrival, Théoden quickly spots this duo.

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When the King of Rohan charges his horsemen, he heads straight towards these specific characters. After very quickly defeating the leader, Théoden kills the bearer of the black serpent banner. In just a few minutes of presence on the battlefield, Théoden has just won an important victory against the Haradrims. Quickly, part of Oliphants’ cavalry loses confidence and tries to flee. Unfortunately, this army of gigantic killer pachyderms is not led by a mere mortal but by the Witch-King of Angmar.

#3 The Oliphants are related to the Witch-king of Angmar

The Witch-King of Angmar is one of Sauron’s few trusted men. Entirely corrupted by the Dark Lord’s magic, this former human king has completely renounced his past to better serve his master. By the time of the War of the Ring, no one really seems to know who he could have been before becoming the leader of the sinister Nazgûl. Before the conflicts and for several years, it was he who was responsible for organizing the troops of humans who would help Sauron when the time comes. In fact, when the battle for Minas Tirith begins, the Oliphants are actually under the command of the Witch-king of Angmar first and foremost. In fact, when Éowyn and Merry team up and manage to defeat the leader of the Nazgûls just after an important Haradrim leader was defeated by Théoden, The Oliphants are soon not quite the same threat anymore for the free peoples of Middle-earth.

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#2 Sam Gamgee is fascinated by oliphant

The Hobbits and the Shire are a people and a place almost unknown to most of Middle-earth. On their side, oliphants are creatures that come from lands so far away that some even think they may not exist and would be legends. In fact, When Sam, a Hobbit, and an elephant find themselves in the same place, the impossible becomes a reality. Sam is amazed by the creature. He grew up listening, always dreamy and fascinated, to a hobbit poem about them. Indeed, a hobbit poem about oliphants is cited in The Lord of the Rings : he is depicted as a colossal beast, with limitless will and longevity. In all likelihood, the author of the poem must have never seen one in his life since Hobbits are not known to be great travelers who never actually stray far from the Shire.

When Sam observes the elephant, it has just been attacked by Faramir and his Rangers. The creature comes running, whether out of violence or fear is unknown, but Sam notices “its long legs like trees, its huge sail-like ears spread, its long trunk raised like a huge snake ready to strike, its small red eyes enraged.” As it runs, the elephant kills several men by trampling them and dives into the trees until it disappears from sight. After the war, Sam, marked by this encounter, returns to the clearings to which the elephant had fled. hoping to see him alive again, but never found him.

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#1 The movies made the Olyphants much more terrifying

In the books, oliphants are colossal-sized elephants but, Other than their size, the creatures are not really different from the elephants of our world. To enhance their unusual appearance, the 1980 cartoon adapted from Return of the King made these creatures mammoths. For his part, Peter Jackson also opted for the prehistoric track but was based on a creature which would be the ancestor of elephants called the Stegotetrabelodon, an elephant equipped with four imposing ivory tusks, measuring approximately 4 meters high, 7 meters long and weighing approximately 12 tonnes.

And if you liked this article, don’t hesitate to discover 9 facts that you didn’t know about The Goblin King part 1 and 2, Azog, Sauron, Elrond, The Balrog, Gollum, Shelob, Eowyn, Eomer, Boromir, Denethor, Faramir, Gandalf the Grey, Elendil, Gimli, Bombur, Théoden, Bilbo, Arwen, Merry, Gollum, The Uruk-hai, the Elves, Smaug, Radagast, Sylvebarbe, The Mouth of Sauron, Grima Tongue of the Serpent, Bard, Beorn, The Army of the Dead of Dunharrow and The Witch King of Angmar.

Keywords :
lord of the ringsLOTRThe HobbitThe Rings of PowerLARPorcelfsauronsamFrodo



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