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Na Champions, o Benfica quer endure ao ceu com uma passagem no inferno | International football

Na Champions, o Benfica quer endure ao ceu com uma passagem no inferno | International football
Na Champions, o Benfica quer endure ao ceu com uma passagem no inferno | International football

É conhecido o ambiente “quentinho” nos balcânicos stadiums, mas o do Estrela Vermelha, onde vai jogar nesta quinta-feira o Benfica na Liga dos Campeões (5:45 p.m., Sport TV), é definido por quem já lá foi aso especial algo. But I didn’t send anything that was new tempos, or Rajko Mitić, but it was like Marakana, it didn’t last long, it was infernal.

Tochas, fumo, petardos, hostility with our visitors, confrontations for the stadium, barulho nocturno at the hotel of the visiting team and permanent chants during the game. But with these items and more, our followers of the Vermelha do not have an example of how to receive it.

However, if you do, you will see Rajko Mitić. Antes de surgirem no relvado, e antes de as câmaras os apanharem, os jogadores do Benfica têm cerca de deux minutes de un tipo muito especial de inferno.

The access tunnel is free on the way to Wolfsschanze [Toca do lobo] of Hitler na II Guerra Mundial. With major alterations from 1963, the tunnel of the Vermelha was long, the passage was long, it was very small, the walls were white, the iron rails were imponent and velhos, the lights were in the metropolitan state, the graffiti on the walls were vermelhas and they climbed down to the top. subterranean level, before being subjected to new conditions for the recovery. There is a claustrophobic atmosphere that is offered to jogadores, as our fans of the eco-friendly house have only a few minutes to walk. That’s when I was there when I saw the tunnel suddenly, because our fans were sent by the edge of the tunnel.

“It was a hostile, intense and intimidating experience in football. Nunca vi followers like aqueles. Esse estádio foi o inferno na Terra”, chegou a dizer Arrigo Sacchi ao The Timesem 2022 – The bag is authorized to carry the item.

Paraphraseando lendário Italiano trainer, naquele estádio trata-se de una vitória de charácter e não apenas de preceitos technicos e tácticos.

Santa Clara faith better?

There is no doubt that Benfica will pass through hell to try to win. É que Bruno Lage’s team is, at a technical and tactical level, with full travel for his experience, with faith and confidence that you do not have Santa Clara, who wins 4-1.

A team does not massacrou the açorianos, teve o jogo resolvido sem fazer por isso e só na final parte, com o jogo feito, dilatou o número de oportunidades de golo.

But, for another reason, we have demonstrated an assinal dynamic and you have Kokçu, Rollheiser and Akturkoglu suggested that it is strengthened – even though you have to leave it there already. In general, faith in my party was consistent, so it was compared to Schmidt’s Benfica and it was lost for confidence.

Nessa medida, a ida in Belgrado can serve as razão a quem já roommate o Benfica perto do ceu or dá-la a quem ainda não foi tão longe nessa avaliação.

And what does Bruno Lage say in advance of the game? There are a lot of things, but it’s still very useful in practical materials. Foi questionado sobre se but Aursnes as medio or extremo and no answer. Faith questionado sobre que type de meio-campo poderia ter e não respondeu. Faith questionado sobre se vai rodar mais a equipa do que na primeira passagem no clube e não desenvolveu. Faith questioned sobre or ambiente, but disse apenas que o que interesa é que os do Benfica se façam opir. Sobre adversário apenas avenas that joga com four defesas e não com três. And these other themes also show you the football level.

“We focus on work. O nosso foco tem de ser esse”. Lage fez pelo menos umas sete ou toto variants destas duas phrases e foi sobretudo disso que se fez a conference de imprensa, com repostas curtas e geralmente vazias. No need to worry, I don’t have much time to send you a text message, I don’t want to know that the technician you bought has to be equipped in time to recover, for four days between games. This is the sumo: sem querer, acabou por deixar no ar que não vai mudar nada no “eleven”.

What is the value of Estrela Vermelha?

A mostra europeia do Estrela Vermelha ainda é curta, mas sugere, pelo menos, um perfil algo modesto.

No play-off Frente ao Bodo, da Noruega, os servios não defrontaram a colosso, masmo assim cederam but de 60% da bola no primeiro jogo e quase 60 no segundo. And our games still have a clear predominance of the long balls and their short legs – recovering the ball and playing directly. We must also play our games at a time when our duels aereos prevail, even though Benfica has no virtude.

An interesting detail of the second part is that the service equipment does not have any precision but it is not present at the last third of the camp to have a low number of potatoes.

This can be especially worrying for Benfica, because a team can easily handle and simple processes, such as direct access to the first line of pressure, can be on a fertile ground against an adversary like its “encarnados”, which reveals a transfer Defensive safety in front of Santa Clara, with many spaces offered after a loss – and the age is not assimilative as long as it does not work.

A form of stand is to guarantee that the moment of pressure is high but effective, although it suggests or regresses to the “eleven” of Aursnes, a strong jogador does not “tamp” to his opponent. But we don’t have any problems yet, but we don’t have to worry about the last generation in Lisbon and we don’t believe that it’s already launched.

Aí entered também o espectro emocional. If our fans and fans were surfing so much so that we had a duel near Santa Clara, we didn’t even feel very confident that we were not going to be “eleven”.

Com ou sem Aursnes, qualquer “eleven” launched by Lage tem a superiority very evident in its relationship to the Star Vermelha. And some result was that no life was saved in Belgrado.



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