“Ten inches two steps” for the Young Creation Prize

“Ten inches two steps” for the Young Creation Prize
“Ten inches two steps” for the Young Creation Prize

On Wednesday, October 9, the opening of the exhibition “Ten Inches Two Pas” by Noémie Pilo took place, as part of the Department’s prize for contemporary art, at the Moulin des Arts in Saint Rémy. Noémie Pilo, who chose the theme of archeology, of the menhir statue, worked in residence in Saint Rémy from July to September 2024. Classes from CP to CM2 in Martiel, Sainte-, Savignac and Villeneuve, i.e. 113 students, participated in its workshops and created creations that evoke archeology, exhibited on the 1st floor of the mill. On the ground floor, Noémie’s personal work evoking the wooden cane, the archaeologists’ rule, objects reminiscent of coring, the raw materials for construction… Many students surrounded by their parents attended this opening which highlighted value their work. In the absence of Arnaud Viala, in the presence of Catherine Moya, mayor of Saint Rémy and her deputy, Serge Maurel, Christine Presne, vice-president in charge of culture at the department, surrounded by Sonia Reynes, head of visual arts , by Muriel Berthier, head of the Cultural and Artistic Development department, affirmed the importance of artistic creation for Aveyron and her satisfaction at seeing the schools associated with this approach. Martine Estival and Pierrette Villemagne, presidents of Atelier Blanc, partner of the department, were able to rejoice in the creativity expressed by the young artist and by the students who clearly appreciated the experience. The exhibition was open to the public from October 10 to 12.



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