“To get out of the political impasse, a large part of the French are ready to engage in social ecology” – Libération


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For the political scientist who has just published a book on the subject, social ecology is the only way to deal with the current political equation, go beyond the social-democratic model and allow the left to win the 2027 presidential election.

A tripolarized Parliament where no force reaches an absolute majority, a defeated President who claims to remain master of the game and appoints a right-wing Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, dependent on the goodwill of Marine Le Pen, a left-wing bloc that came out on top in the legislative elections relegated to the opposition under the yoke of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s presidential ambitions. How can we get out of this impasse? In Getting out of the impasse, a book published by Les Petits Matins, the political scientist Denis Pingaud, vice-president of the think tank La Fabrique écologique, defends social-ecology as a way to go beyond social-democracy. And explains why it is the only way to win the next presidential election.

The dissolution, far from bringing the political clarification announced by Emmanuel Macron, resulted on July 7 in a tripolarization of the National Assembly. In what kind of impasse are we?

The French have said two things very clearly in these elections: we do not want the National Rally in government, by massively supporting the Republican barrier; we want change, by placing the coalition of the New


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