“I had to meet the right person” (EXCLUSIVE)

“I had to meet the right person” (EXCLUSIVE)

You are beaming… Is this September going well?

I’m on cloud nine! I approached this new school year with a zenitude that I had never known. Since July and the arrival of my son, Tim, I have been levitating. All my loved ones tell me: becoming a dad has transformed me. When I heard his first cries, I felt like I was letting go. It was a tsunami of emotions! I am much more relaxed on a daily basis, compared to the workload.

Fatherhood has changed Cyril Féraud

Also on the organization, you who are very strict on the subject?

It’s true that I’ve always been very organized. I have a military schedule. But, obviously, I knew that with my little one, everything would have to be reviewed. I had planned everything for his arrival, even though no one knew about this future fatherhood at France Télévisions. I wanted to spend the summer with him as much as possible. And then, the miracle of life meant that he arrived at the beginning of July and that, thanks to the Olympic and Paralympic Games, it’s the first time in fifteen years of television that I’ve had two real months of vacation. So I spent my summer bottle-feeding him, playing and getting to know him. The first smiles are coming, he reacts a lot to my voice. I even see his eyes widen when he hears it in a trailer for France 2 ! I talk to him a lot, I tell him his story, that dad has a special job… This happiness is beyond what I had imagined. Tim has turned my life upside down.

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How will you manage your schedule as a minister at France Télévisions?

I planned everything, even the time slots, to spend as much time as possible with Tim. I still have the same passion for my job. It was my childhood dream, and it will never leave me. But today, it is Tim who guides my schedule, not the other way around. Faced with all the constraints that I imposed on myself professionally, I very quickly understood that now, I would be able to let go of…

- Télé 7 Jours

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