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At Royal Roads University, students monitor streams and water quality

On this summer morning, three environmental science students slip through tall grass, boots on, and rattle off numbers, such as temperature or oxygen levels, carefully compiled on a tablet. In the background: birdsong and the rustling of the forest.

I’m not going to lie to you, the water is cold, but not as cold as previous monthssays Ivan Niegas, laughing. The student explains that he is measuring the flow of the stream. Colwood, whose temperature that day is 13°C.

We measure the width and depth of the water, and we have a flow meter that we use to measure the speed. These measures are important, he says, because They can give an idea of ​​the amount of water that the stream discharges into the lagoon.

Just a stone’s throw away is the magnificent Lagune-d’migratory bird sanctuary.Esquimalt of 134 hectares, established in 1931. The two streams studied flow into it.

Esquimalt Lagoon is a federal migratory bird sanctuary that is home to a handful of shorebirds, seabirds and waterfowl. It is also very important to First Nations peoples like the Esquimalt and Songhees, who have had relationships with these lands and water resources for thousands of years.

The Esquimalt Lagoon Migratory Bird Sanctuary.

Photo : Radio-Canada / Mélinda Trochu

Collect long-term data

For his part, Robert White admits that he didn’t think he would enjoy working outside so much and collecting data in nature, every two weeks, in 19 monitoring locations.

In the group’s bags, there is a flow meter, a ruler, a standard meter, but also a dissolved oxygen meter to measure the oxygen levels in the river and the water temperature, he lists .

The group also takes samples of river sediment and tests them using X-ray fluorescent devices to find out what heavy metals are present in the water.

Students also record fish encountered and animals seen on trail cameras such as deer, mallards and a double-crested cormorant.

Three of the Royal Roads University students involved in monitoring the two creeks in 2024: Robert White, Coelton Dayle and Ivan Niegas (left to right).

Photo : Radio-Canada / Mélinda Trochu

Flow can affect aquatic habitat, the aquatic organisms that live in the stream. When it comes to pollutants, we can better understand how they move and dilute in water when we know a stream’s flow measurement.

In the longer term, it will be possible to compare data and understand the effects of climate change, explains Ivan Niegas. His comrade Coelton Dayle explains that their mission has been to put in place baseline data and sampling protocols so that measurements will continue to be collected in the years to come.

Data is collected at 19 monitoring points along two streams, both of which flow into Esquimalt Lagoon.

Photo : Radio-Canada / Mélinda Trochu

Coelton Dayle considers that this student project is a way to help and give back by contributing to the protection of the environment.

I just think it’s important because [ces ruisseaux] have been here for a long time, way before us and I don’t think we should really change anything.

For the three students, this project allows them to acquire skills that they intend to use in their future jobs. Robert White He assures that ordinary citizens can also monitor the streams in their neighborhood.

Honestly, all you have to do is just go to the stream, see what conditions you can notice, what life is there, if there are any bugs, if there are any fish.

He adds that for a more advanced scientific analysisyou need equipment such as a multimeter, which is really doablehe assures.

If people are interested, they can certainly find groups near them that are better equipped to accomplish these tasks, because the number one problem with this stuff is manpower.

The Capital Regional District (CRD) did not respond to our questions about the condition of streams in the region prior to publication of this article.


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