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A new carpooling platform in Trois-Rivières

This initiative aims to put passengers who need travel within the Trois-Rivières region or outside of it into contact with drivers who offer places in their vehicles. Users can use the web interface on their computer or download the application to the mobile phone. Ride prices start at $5 for local travel. But they can cost more for intercity transport.

“We put a lot of emphasis on Trois-Rivières. But someone who is on the edge is able to use the application in the same way.”

— Yves Beaudoin, president of ÉcoMobile 3R

The Trois-Rivières non-profit organization, which promotes sustainable mobility and environmental awareness, chose the existing Poparide platform, which was only offered in English. The translation of the pages into French was entrusted to Philippe Gignac and Mikee Gervais, of Uni-Recycle, a computer and electronics recycling company.

“We made sure that the French-speaking interface works 100%. We therefore know that people from Trois-Rivières will be able to carpool to Montreal or Quebec,” explains Mr. Beaudoin.

Competitor or complement?

The president of ÉcoMobile 3R is careful not to say that Covoiturage POP is a direct competitor of Amigo Express. “I say that we all work for the same cause. Here, we chose Poparide because registration was free, unlike Amigo. And the tool is completely designed for the Web,” he replies.

And how is the service different from Uber or Lyft? “Basically, it’s the price. For me, someone who is in Bécancour, for example, and who takes Uber to come to Trois-Rivières, it will cost them 30 or so dollars,” says Mr. Beaudoin. “If he does it with Covoiturage POP, it will cost him $5. And if the driver adds another person to his vehicle, that gives him $10 that he wouldn’t have had without the app.”

The actor and humorist Alain Dumas is the spokesperson for Covoiturage POP. (Paul-Robert Raymond/Le Soleil)

The spokesperson for the initiative, the actor and humorist Alain Dumas, emphasizes the aspect of security.

“I grew up in the 1960s. The concept of sharing the road, we didn’t know that much. Otherwise, we would hitchhike… You could find yourself hitchhiking on a street corner and there would be a Volkswagen Beetle coming along and there were 16 of them in the car,” he jokes. “And you see the driver with his eyes glazed over… […] With this application, we are able to have a driver history. What resonates with me is this notion of security.”

“We are capable of quote the person. We know what car we are getting into, what year, what model… And payment is completely secure,” adds Mr. Beaudoin.

Sharing rather than paid transportation

Mr. Beaudoin assures that the drivers who offer their services to Covoiturage POP do not fall into the category of paid passenger transport, initiated following the application of Law 17.

“It’s really a sharing and it’s completely different. We do not work on transporting a person from point A to point B on request. But more about ride sharing. Like: “Tonight, I’m going to see a Canadiens game in Montreal, or the Capitales, in Quebec, and I have room…” It often happens in the case of a Canadiens game that he There are a lot of people starting from the same sector.”

— Yves Beaudoin, President of ÉcoMobile 3R

“Going to the Bell Centre, you don’t have parking, nothing…” adds Alain Dumas. “With this service, you reduce frustrations.”

The president of ÉcoMobile 3R also believes that the initiative will go beyond the limits of Mauricie. Because it already exists elsewhere in English Canada. “That’s clear. I can just tell you that the experiment we’re doing can meet a need that is everywhere in Quebec. The application already meets the needs of a million people across Canada.”

“We are statistically monitoring all trips going to or leaving Trois-Rivières in the next three months. Because we really want to measure the impact and profile of passengers and drivers,” concludes Mr. Beaudoin.


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