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Ecological transition: Lorient goes green

“Encourage sobriety among all stakeholders”. During the Lorient municipal council, the majority presented, this Thursday, June 27, 2024, its 2024 – 2028 action plan to commit the city to sobriety in terms of water. “We need to know our water uses better,” insisted Bruno Paris, delegate for the environment and ecological transition. Different actions will be carried out over four years. We find, pell-mell, the fight against leaks, the installation of hydro-saving tools, water collectors, public awareness on the ground, stopping watering stadiums and cemeteries with water. drinking water, etc. “I want to salute the coherence of the actions and this ambition,” underlined Delphine Alexandre, from Lorient en commun.

  • 2 Mobility and living environment

    The mayor of Lorient, Fabrice Loher, also wants to experiment – through the “Le déMobiliste” project – with new developments to guarantee “the mobility of tomorrow” and “the improvement of the living environment”. To do this, an agreement was voted on (unanimously) and signed with the sociologist-urban planner, Laurent Fouillé, who will be in charge of this experiment. For a year, the scientist will carry out his mission in three axes in a defined district. A survey will first be carried out on mobility practices. After this, a “demobility” challenge will invite residents of the neighborhood to reduce their use of the car. Finally, local residents will be invited to redesign the traffic plan in their neighborhood, reducing the space given to cars. Questioned by Gaël Briand (Lorient in common) about the district chosen by the majority, Bruno Paris explained that it had not yet been defined. Furthermore, after this experiment, the City remains free to carry out the project.

Between 2024 and 2028, Lorient is putting more than €12 million on the table to green the city. “The population will accept the construction of housing if greening is taken into account,” argued Fabrice Loher. This arrival of nature in the city revolves around several objectives such as the creation of brown continuities to protect biodiversity, the use of permeable materials, the creation of islands of freshness in the open ground, the planting of new trees, etc. . “On the subject of greening facades, we have the power to act on projects,” noted Claire Herlic (Lorient en commun). We must be demanding and ambitious.” In response, the mayor asked for patience, especially for projects not yet completed. The “tree” plan was voted on unanimously.


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