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“We now know the MP throughout the 8th constituency of Hérault”: Sylvain Carrière (NFP) wants to confirm his success in 2022

Narrowly elected in 2022 for his first participation in an election, the young deputy is banking on his work in the field and the Assembly to be re-elected in the 8th constituency of Hérault.

What, for you, is the outcome of these two years in the National Assembly?

I think this is a very positive outcome in the Assembly but also on the ground, where I committed to remaining very present. People now know who their MP is. We agree or disagree but they come to discuss. For several days, they have been coming to discuss the substance, the ideas, how we would implement this or that measure. And, in the Assembly, I was able to bring up a lot of local issues: viticulture, transport, shellfish farming, beekeeping… The field meetings almost systematically resulted in legislative work.

Do we now know who Sylvain Carrière is in the constituency?

It’s not difficult to be more known than two years ago. But I see that the work on the ground, with residents but also elected officials and associations, is bearing fruit: the local fabric has clearly identified its deputy. I am recognized in all the towns in the constituency.

You beat Cédric Delapierre by only 458 votes in 2022. The RN has continued to progress since. How do you think you can confirm the success of two years ago?

Already by seeking out the abstainers. For example in the Celleneuve district and certain Montpellier offices, where I obtained between 70 and 80% in the second round, in 2022, but where abstention reached 55 and 60%. There are large reserves of votes to be sought, hence a significant amount of field work. In the cantons of Pignan and Frontignan, there are also abstentionist votes to be sought. But we know it’s going to be tight.

What do you tell people?

The message is to tell people that they are wrong with anger. When they tell us that they want to try the National Rally to change things, we recall that the latter voted, hand in hand with the Macronists, against the increase in the minimum wage, against the freezing of rents, against the blocking of price of basic necessities. The RN is a danger, not the solution. People’s daily lives will not change if he comes to power, whereas our ambition is precisely to change the lives of millions of French people from July 8 by coming to government and giving them purchasing power.

You were in the front row alongside Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Sunday, in Montpellier. Aren’t you afraid of losing votes by appearing alongside an increasingly divisive leader?

Given the dynamic we saw on Sunday in Montpellier, I don’t think it’s a problem. Jean-Luc Mélenchon won 42% in the presidential election. There may be a debate on Mélenchon Prime Minister or not. But I tell myself that if we ask ourselves this question on July 8, it will mean that we will have a majority in the National Assembly. Today, the subject is a program with strong measures signed by everyone. For the person, we will see him on July 8.

Sylvain Carrière is 33 years old. Single, the outgoing MP lives in Vic-la-Gardiole.

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