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Legislative: “A vote of conscience”, call for elected officials from the municipal majority of Le Creusot

Communiqué :
A vote of conscience!

This Sunday, we are called to vote to elect our deputy, the one who will represent us in the National Assembly.
His role ? Elected nationally, attached to a territory, he is the one to whom every citizen can turn. Local elected official, bearer of a national vision, he must have perfect knowledge of the specificities of his territory to support the initiatives of associations and the projects of local elected officials in order to make them feasible, by bringing them, if necessary, to the highest level of state.

When voting, we must keep in mind the future and the image of our city, which is doing rather well despite the difficulties inherent in all medium-sized cities. On the basis of its glorious past, the actions carried out for decades by successive teams are bearing fruit in terms of reindustrialization, teaching and research equipment as well as social and cultural facilities. We are currently entering a promising upturn, of harmonious economic development which will make it possible to welcome new residents and ensure a rather serene future for many families.
Until now spared by the negative and xenophobic sirens of the far right, our city has seen a National Rally score never before achieved! We trust the Creusotins and the Creusotins not to plunge into the impasse of a vote of rejection and confinement carried by an elected official who has just arrived from Macon.
The other pitfall that we must think about is that carried by the candidate of La France Insoumise, who, for two years, has still not understood the major role played by Le Creusot in the economy of the department, in the national industry and international. He describes it as “one of the cities ransacked by capitalism, which is experiencing difficulties and which is trying to recover…”. These few words, a little condescending for the work accomplished, demonstrate his total ignorance of our city and everything that is done there.
Also next Sunday, from the first round, only one choice is constructive: that of Rémy Rebeyrotte, outgoing deputy, and Danièle Picard, his substitute, our colleague within the municipal council. Elected “on the ground”, listening to everyone, they “did the job”. Regularly honoring all the events to which they have been invited, they defend with passion and tenacity the major issues for our common future.
Presence, seriousness and proximity, all adjectives that correspond well to their action. We need them for our city and to see the future under the best auspices. The result will depend on the mobilization of each and every one of you.

Pierre BRUGNIAU, Sylvaine CLAVEL, Martine GAUTHIER, Cyril GOMET, Hugo NIEDDU, Philippe PRIET, elected from the municipal majority of Creusot


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