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Signing of two cooperation agreements

Two cooperation agreements in the fields of energy, earth sciences and mining were signed, Thursday in Rabat, between the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey.

Signed by the Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development Leila Benali and the Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Alparslan Bayraktar, these two agreements concern renewable energies, green hydrogen, energy efficiency, production and electricity distribution, energy market integration, clean technologies, decarbonization and hydrocarbon exploration.

Regarding mining and earth sciences, cooperation between the two parties covers the production of geological maps, remote sensing, databases and geographic information systems (GIS), artificial intelligence for assessment mineral exploration, geological research, post-mining management, seismic monitoring, management of strategic and critical minerals and joint energy and mining exploration projects.

These two agreements establish a collaborative framework to strengthen public-private partnerships, research and development, technical assistance, capacity building, exchange of expertise and technologies, development of joint projects, cooperation between innovation agencies and research organizations, as well as technical visits, workshops and seminars.

During the signing ceremony of these two agreements, the two officials praised the quality of fruitful bilateral relations which have experienced tangible development over the last two decades under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

This development has manifested itself through numerous diplomatic and commercial agreements, as well as the exchange of expertise and experience in various vital and complementary sectors. These efforts mainly aim to establish solid bilateral cooperation and create an ambitious and renewed regional dynamic for both nations.

There are “a lot of opportunities and potential for cooperation in the field of energy and mining between our two countries”, indicated, in this regard, the Turkish minister, welcoming the historic and existing economic relations between the two countries.

The Turkish official also noted that the two countries share certain challenges, including the growth in energy demand and ambitious climate objectives.

For her part, Ms. Benali affirmed that this meeting was an opportunity to discuss common challenges between Morocco and Turkey, as well as growth prospects and shared ambitions in many areas such as renewable energies, minerals and natural gas.

The first agreement signed with Turkey will give new impetus to bilateral cooperation in the field of energy and renewable energy, while the second will encourage private and public investments in both Morocco and Turkey in the field of minerals and mining, she explained.

“We have also set up a work team which will develop concrete projects in the coming months, including investments and energy purchases to reduce the energy bill of our two countries,” said the minister.

Mr. Alparslan Bayraktar’s visit to Morocco is part of the ongoing consultation and coordination between the Kingdom and the Republic of Turkey, with a view to strengthening bilateral relations in various areas by exploring new opportunities for cooperation and by encouraging mutual investments.

This meeting took place in the presence of the Turkish Ambassador to Morocco, as well as senior officials from the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development and the organizations under its supervision, including ONHYM, ONEE, MASEN, AMEE and IRESEN.


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