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Najib, the little guy from Enschede who saves lives in Morocco

Despite warnings from a guidance counselor to choose an easier path, Najib worked hard and received accelerated training in biomedical laboratory research. He then decided to specialize as a clinical perfusionist, a profession that involves managing the blood flow of patients during operations.

After intensive training and a successful exam, the Moroccan finally made his dream come true. He now works in Dutch hospitals, where he operates the heart-lung machine with recognized expertise. But his commitment does not stop there. Deeply affected by the difficulties of accessing cardiac surgery in Morocco, where his family is from, Najib created the Qalb Foundation.

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Two or three times a year, he goes with his team to Morocco to carry out free operations for disadvantaged patients. “It’s a drop in the ocean,” he tells RTL, “but with the necessary prevention among the local population, we hope to increase awareness of a healthier lifestyle. »

Apart from his work at the hospital and the foundation, Najib finds time for sport and travel. But his greatest passion remains helping others. When he sees the line on the monitor during an operation, before the surgeon can intervene, he remembers the boy he was, fascinated by the series of ambulances. “I am here as a health professional,” he says with emotion. “I often pinch myself because my work and our foundation are no longer a dream, but a reality. »


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