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Take part in the regional ladybug atlas!

What is the initial observation?

Although ladybugs are relatively accessible to the general public, the knowledge we have about them still remains largely incomplete.

84 species are listed in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and their distribution remains very poorly known due to the absence of specific research on this taxon, and it is even very likely that new species remain to be discovered!

The role of Arthropoligia?

In order to fill these gaps, Arthropologia supports a dynamic regional inventory of all these species.

What is the deadline for this atlas?

The objective of Arthropologia is to collect, produce and use as much data as possible on this taxonomic group in a three year period.

Who are the actors involved so far?

Accompanied by the Association of Coccinellists of France (ACOF), the invertebrate pole, FNE Loirethere DREALthere AuRA regionTHE Rhône departmentthere city ​​of LYONthere Linnean society of Lyonthere SSNLFthere DolphinellaTHE CEN of Savoywe are still only at the beginning of this inventory work and we are looking for additional local relays for better coverage of the territory.

Are you interested?

If you would like to join the dynamic of the Ladybug Atlas, contact Arthropologia at [email protected]

Do you already have data?

Arthropologia is also looking for any existing data on ladybugs in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

If you have such data, would you agree to share it with Arthropologia? These will help them take stock of current knowledge and guide their future explorations.

You want to know more ?

It is with the aim of launching a dynamic around ladybugs that Arthropologia offers a videoconference on Tuesday June 25 at 7 p.m..

Videoconference program :

  • Presentation of the atlas approach
  • Explanation on how to participate
  • Update on the state of current knowledge in the region
  • Identification of contact persons in each department in order to create more local dynamics.

Helloasso registration link

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