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Which municipalities join the Vercors park?

The Parc du Vercors has the possibility of expanding every 15 years. Of the 14 municipalities of Monts-du-Matin and La Raye that can join the Park, eight have already said yes, on June 11.

The Vercors Regional Natural Park (PNRV) has existed for more than 50 years. It covers 206,000 hectares in Drôme and Isère and has around 53,000 inhabitants in 83 municipalities spread over eight intercommunities. It is also home to the largest nature reserve in mainland France: the Hauts-Plateaux National Nature Reserve. This territory is governed by a charter, a document of around a hundred pages which decides on a course and defines exactly what the Park is. Economic players, tourism players, sportsmen, farmers, hunters, forest owners… many people live in this territory and share it.

A mediation role

The Park is a place for discussion where we can broaden the debate. We are not affiliated with any sector and we have a mediation role “, indicates Olivier Putot, director of the Vercors Regional Natural Park. Sharing uses is at the heart of the charter, but not only that, but also the protection of biodiversity and the landscape. ” The Park is above all engineering serving municipal projects concerning all rural issues linked to biodiversity and the landscape. We work with municipalities on certain projects or with professionals, whether agricultural or tourist. “, says the director. Since Covid, we have seen an increase in tourism for outdoor activities. The question of flow management also arises. With its ecoguards, the PNRV maintains the trails and markings, while trying to to protect biodiversity and natural spaces.

“Each renewal raises the question of the scope that is most relevant.”

4.95 euros per inhabitant

Every 15 years, the Park charter must be renewed. In that of 2024-2039, 14 municipalities, located in the Piedmonts of Vercors and partly in the territory of Valence Romans agglo, must decide on their membership or not. By integrating the PNRV, each municipality must pay 4.95 euros per inhabitant. ” Each renewal raises the question of the scope that is most relevant. The State which is guarantor of the Regional Natural Park label ensures that the proposed perimeter is coherent from a geological point of view and that the municipalities are concerned by similar issues“, specifies Olivier Putot.

To read :

Will Drôme – Barbières join the Vercors park?

Surveys and public meetings

The choice to join the Park or not belongs to each municipal council. Thus, five municipalities in Monts-du-Matin (La Baume d’Hostun, Hostun, Beauregard-Baret, Rochefort-Samson and Barbières) organized a public meeting with the Park. Then, residents received a common, open questionnaire in their mailbox.

In Barbières, as part of a citizen consultation process, the town hall has set up a temporary think tank on the subject. Made up of elected officials, former elected officials, residents, and diverse opinions, this group worked on the subject for three months to identify the specific issues in the municipality, namely the advantages, disadvantages or feasible projects. A survey open to 930 residents over ten years old collected 161 responses. 74% say they are in favor of joining the PNRV, 21% say they are unfavorable and 5% consider themselves undecided. “ There may be fears. With the image of a Park which imposes certain things. However, a regional natural park, unlike a national park, does not impose regulationsrecalls Olivier Putot. It is a territory of projects with a contractual and not regulatory logic. It was a concern of hunters, farmers, fishermen who wonder if they will be able to do as before “.

Holes in the racket?

Each municipality having the freedom to join or not join the Park, the problem of having a fragmented Park arises. Neighboring municipalities can make a different decision from each other. ” As a project territory, it is not the most favorable. The message that we tried to send to elected officials is to try to keep up to date between the municipalities to try to have continuity, whether favorable or not. Elected officials are sensitive to what their neighbor wants to do “. The municipalities have until the end of June to decide. Six will integrate the PNRV charter.

What did the municipalities vote for? (As of June 11)

Yes :

Beauregard-Baret, Saint-Vincent-la-Commanderie, Peyrus, Châteaudouble, Ourches, Combovin, Hostun and Rochefort-Samson.

No :

Montvendre, La Baume-Cornillane.

Have not yet pronounced:

La Baume d’Hostun, Barbières, Barcelona and Veaunavey-la-Rochette.


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