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The West Indies Green Festival, the musical event which combines environmental awareness and pleasure, returns for a 3rd edition in Guadeloupe

“Never doubt that a small group of committed, thoughtful citizens can change the world. In reality, that’s always what happened. », the famous American anthropologist Margeret Mead liked to say to make world citizens understand that only those who fight can succeed in changing the fate of the world. It is in this spirit that the organizers of the West Indies Green Festival are committed, who have chosen the means of music, sharing and celebration to raise awareness and contribute to the commitment of the young generation around the environmental cause.

Born in 2022, this eco-responsible festival, whose slogan “ Konsyans é Plézi » is not just wishful thinking or a display of circumstance, has developed five charters for the various stakeholders (partners, service providers, volunteers, artists and festival-goers) to respond to this approach to social responsibility. These different parties must in fact commit to respecting certain objectives, namely fighting and calling for the fight against climate change, preserving biodiversity, natural environments and resources, participating in social cohesion, and finally promoting the development of all. human beings, enable a development dynamic following responsible modes of production and consumption and integrate this approach into their processes.

The largest eco-festival in the Caribbean

In this context, in addition to the musical part itself, a village called “The Reef » of 2,500 m2 will be accessible to the general public during the two days of the festival and will accommodate associations, exhibitions, restaurateurs engaged in short circuits and the use of biodegradable tableware. Furthermore, after the festival is held, the carbon footprint will be measured in order to assess its impact on biodiversity. An initiative encouraged and supported by Ademe.

However, the festive and musical side of the West Indies Green Festival is not neglected, but on the contrary is constantly enriched each year. For this 3th edition of the festival which has been refocused since 2023 on the Moule sports complex after settling on the Alizés beach at its beginnings in 2022, a line-up rich in artists is programmed including Jocelyne Béroard, Niska, Saïk, Lion P , Ridge, Saël, The Locked Up Symphony to name just a few. In total more than thirty hours of shows shared on two stages with entertainment from DJs, each more efficient than the other.

This event, which aims to be the largest eco-festival in the Caribbean, will be sold out. Proof of a real enthusiasm for this unique festival, hoping however that the vast majority of festival-goers adhere to the spirit “ Konsyans é Plézi » for better consideration of respect for the environment and sustainable development in Guadeloupe and more broadly in the Caribbean.


West Indies Green Festival 2024

Saturday June 22 and Sunday June 23, 2024

Moule Jacques Ponrémy Sports Complex

Rue de Sainte-Anne

97160 Le Moule

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