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The Council of States wants an end to golden parachutes in Bern

A man jumps with a parachute illustrated by a wad of thousand franc notes.Image: watson

Senior executives of the federal administration and large companies linked to it could lose their departure bonuses.

Severance bonuses paid to executives of the federal administration and companies and establishments linked to the Confederation must be prohibited. The Council of States adopted on Thursday by 20 votes to 16 a parliamentary initiative from Thomas Minder (Ind./SH).

The former senator recalls that it is prohibited to pay severance pay to members of management and the board of directors of companies listed on the stock exchange. However, the use of “these golden parachutes” remains possible for senior executives of the federal administration and companies linked to the Confederation, such as the SSR or La Poste.

Werner Salzmann (UDC/BE) showed his incomprehension. And to cite examples, including the latest, the head of Fedpol Nicoletta della Valle who will receive 340,000 francs.

For the committee, Heidi Z’graggen (C/UR) countered that flexibility is necessary for high positions in the administration. Furthermore, eliminating these departure bonuses would have an insignificant effect compared to the payroll.

The National must decide. (ats/jch)

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